HunterGathers 2.0

This is why Donald is president.

Well shit, if a random person on Facebook says something happened I guess it definitely did! Nobody ever lies on the internet!

I get the feeling that a lot of people in Hollywood are hoping to just offer up Weinstein as a sacrifice to prove that they’re attempting to take care of their institutionalized issues with power (and then easing up on the abuse for a year or so until the storm blows over and inevitably going back to business as

No, but if you work for Russian intel stirring the pot over here in America and enabling our existing tendencies does make sense.  

They knew that it if was in a book instead of on Twitter no American would notice it.

I don’t think “influencing the election” was necessarily their end goal. Like everybody else, they probably didn’t think Trump had a real chance of winning. This stuff they did was more likely just meant to stir the pot. The goal may have just been to keep Americans angry at each other over stupid shit. They know we

This reminds me of the whole Jimmy Saville business over here in the U.K., the difference really is he was marginally powerful in comparison and he liked his victims waaay younger.

Which they’re likely going to do eventually anyway so let’s get this thing going!

It’s gone on longer than that. “The Foundations of Geopolitics” was written by a Russian author in the late 90's. It’s practically a check list of things Putin has done.

Based on what we know so far, I don’t think hard to understand Russians were very resourceful in their efforts to influence the election. There is nothing gullible or paranoid about that.

But I don’t imagine him being as smooth.

Clerk York’s other names include Ben Dover, Mo Lester, Craven Morehead and Drew Peacock.

This might seem innocuous, but this story made me realize how vast and detailed this whole Russian Bot thing is.

We are a nation full of gullible, irredeemable imbeciles. And our adversaries seem to understand this a lot better than we do.

stop using mansplaining.

Nope, it has to do with men automatically assuming that women know less than them even when the women in question are experts in their fields.

Looks to me like he got his gross opinions thoroughly repudiated by 30 other people, which is kind of how this thing is supposed to work. At this point, seeing him repeatedly told how and why he’s wrong and just how many people think he’s an asshole is more useful as a deterrent than just deleting the thread.

In the

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