My 1995 Ford Thunderbird is similar with the tachometer it's all you need
My 1995 Ford Thunderbird is similar with the tachometer it's all you need
The optional chrome fuel door on the Fiat 500 has a nice retro look and feel.
Plus it actually improved Boston by reconnecting neighborhoods that were bifurcated by the highway.
Florida; it’s for the birds.
Avoid the noid!
In Rush’s case he would send his housekeeper out to a strip mall parking lot in West Palm to score.
Dana Loesch must be running around like Edvard Munch’s The Scream.
Just wait for Walker to claim that he does not have Ed Schultz to kick him around anymore. Maybe the Kochs will finally tire of him since they already got what they wanted and cut him loose.
I was always suprised Ford never continued to offer the side locker on its 79 and up F-series.
The HuffPost piece mentions that she was sending and commenting on pictures of male genitalia. The show she hosted was called the Five. I always thought it was the combined IQ of the panelists but it’s probably her appendage picture size rankings.
Can you imagine what Take your daughter or future day is like at Fox? “Dad there’s a creepy man lurking around with a loofa!” “And there is some unhinged woman bragging about the male appendages on her phone!”
Never a Dallas cowboys fan. Reasons;
When I was in high school you had the civic groups chapters like the American Friends Service Committee, 4H or the Lions. If some outside group that was even remotely political came to speak they were usually chamber of commerce types, not a chapter of the John Birchers, the equivalent in its day of these Turning…
Dick Nixon also wanted a handgun ban;
Just bring the Rover brand back. A new 2000 and 3500 P6 could be based on existing platforms.
There was Somerset trim package offered on the G-body Regal coupe from 80-84. The color package was fitting for the era.
Wait for the wingnuts to accuse him of staying on the plantation.
Ethnic hoedowns? What is the square dancing like “Swing your Italian Gina round and round”
Sergio has a hurting or injured shoulder. Must have been getting in and out the back of a Chrysler 200.