Trump also violates the Uniform Code of Military Justice Section 133 Conduct unbecoming.
Trump also violates the Uniform Code of Military Justice Section 133 Conduct unbecoming.
I’m employed as a mid level analyst in a government agency. Just before every election season we get a notice reminding us about the Hatch Act. It’s simple, no campaigning or promoting a candidate on the job. Not even a sign or button on your desk.
You figure a lawyer and counselor to the president would know this.…
I’ve warmed to the Aztek in recent years. Just take a look at what today’s compact/mid sized CUV’s look like.
There has to be some tooling left from the Buick/Olds/Rover/MG aluminum 215 V8. Just upgrade it with OBD-2 and MPI.
Sherman should have gone west after the March to the sea.
It ought to be noted that Parkland is one of the better if not near the top public high schools in Florida. You can tell how sharp and civically engaged these students are.
Prior governors going back to Jeb with the support of DeVos have taken funds out to public education for charters, some of which have failed or did…
Favorite greens for vehicles; British racing green, emerald green, forest green, mint green, Kermit the frog green.
Also note that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School was well funded with activities that many other Florida high schools would beg for. It seems well insulated from the Jeb and Rick Scott program of funneling money to private and religious academies.
Going after each other with Lester Maddox’s axe handle would be more appropriate.
Shouldn’t the governor and the other elected officials concern themselves with the workaday issues of governance instead of worrying about a corporate policy of giving members of an organization a preferred discount. They seem petty enough to die on the hill of a Subway sandwich card where the 10th sub is free.
If you want a bad tone deaf rap based commercial check out the Infiniti of Bayside ad.
Consumer Reports used to use the 4 x 8 sheet of plywood to measure cargo capacity.
He’s like Melania the plagiarizer.
My dad had a 72 Celica that slowly rusted away. From the rockers through the fenders and eventually into the unibody. Yet the interior stayed mint with minimal wear. What did it in after 200k was the distributor drive on the smooth and reliable 18rc froze and broke inside the motor.
Here’s some other pertinent questions. How about “why don’t you have a security clearance and why can’t your husband get one?” Also “Where did the bad president touch you?” might be appropriate as well.
Mississippi, Walmart and a Pontiac G5. Sounds like an outtake from an episode of Cops.
Does former Sheriff Clarke get a additional piece of flare for attending?
Note Dana Loesch’s attacks on law enforcement. Ever since the NRA went off to crazy town in 1977 they succeeded in gutting the ATF via the 1985 Firearms Owners Protection Act. Would refer to the ATF and FBI as “jackbooted thugs” particularly after the incidents at Ruby Ridge and Waco. To confuse matters they even…
I ought to check under the bumper and the console on my 95 Thunderbird LX since the SC came with fog lights.