Or like a shrunken Lamborghini LM002.
Or like a shrunken Lamborghini LM002.
I remember the NRA before they went off to cloud koo koo land starting in 1977. My Daisy BB/pellet gun that I had as a kid had their logo on the side. We all thought of it like the Good Housekeeping seal. They were all about safety courses and target practice. Not much in the way of lobbying, they actually supported…
If only Little Marco, Scott or Trump had the decency to mention Coach Feis, the assistant football coach who died while shielding students.
A far less heroic teacher and coach Dennis Hastert as speaker in 2004 did not even have the gumption to bring up for renewal the 1994 assault weapons ban.
I hate the whole ritual…
I want him on the U.S Supreme Court. “Clarance you player hater”
If it has the big block install a GMC 6-71 blower on it. That way you can pay homage to the Monogram model.
When they are finished with the tank and MRAP’s they can drive it a few miles north to Mar a Lago where Trump can stand out front like Little Lord Fauntleroy and have his parade.
How about replacing the now timeworn “thoughts and prayers” with “Thanks Wayne LaPierre!”?
Last year when Wonder Woman was released it received a lot of press in the Jewish community. The star was a source of pride because she was Israeli. Many families including modern orthodox ones who usually shun films took their kids to see it.
In my experience as a transit and traffic planner according to the uniform code speed humps are only allowed on certain thoroughfares excluding truck and freight routes. Most are placed in residential areas and in school zones.
I’ve always seen a lot of Alfa in these. A modern GTV.
In homage to his riff “a place for my stuff” Check out the console, glove box and trunk.
I was never a fan of those Baby on board signs that became ubiquitous in the 80's. Do people really have to tell the world they have a child in their car?
I had the opportunity to see Isaac Hayes at Celebrate Brooklyn just a few months before he passed. He slowly walked out on the stage like a demigod wearing his trademark shades and a long white with contrasting trim dashiki.
For the price of this Neon you can get a 2016 Dart GT with the 2.4 Tigershark and a 6 speed.
$7k off of MSRP is quite a deal. Which means it went out the door for $23k plus destination and tax.
The Cavalier Z-24 with the 2.8 MPI 120 hp V6 and the F-41 suspension package was a bit less than meh.
I was a 6th grader in 1972/73 and us car geek kids used to check out in the parking lot what the teachers drove.
As a long time Queens resident who resides a few blocks where Malcolm X resided let me provide some context about Christ the King H.S.
McConnell, Hatch and Ryan are already starting work on the “Spousal Abusers Protection Act.”
“We need to protect husbands who have to defend themselves from their wayward, harpy wives”
Tony Perkins from the Family Research Council is very supportive of the measure. “Isn’t the man of the House allowed a Mulligan for…
They might as well show up for work wearing the stereotypical sleeveless wife beater shirt.
Ivanka could even market a line of them.