
From the looks of their photos they look like wayward cult members from the 1970's.

I like the design of the center stack. Very Bang and Olufsen like.

“He has racist views. He seems to harbors racist feelings. He thinks people of color are something less than white people. You’re almost there.”

“Hey hun check out my Prinz” “Be thankful you are not in East Germany, you would be riding in a Trabant”.

Since the owner was the previous owner of a Suzuki Aerio he might like the fairly unusual Suzuki Kizashi.

This ad proves the point, be wary of anyone using a firearm in a campaign ad. You don’t need to in order to prove your fealty to the 2nd amendment.

Jason Kander also has a very good and informative podcast on Crooked Media. The Pod Save America folks.

Just think of the pictures and blackmailing charge. You can be sure there is some teen in Missouri who had their life upended; cut off from college applications, credit score downgrade, diminished job prospects etc. because they screwed up, engaged in youthful folly by texting a picture of their junk to some school

Mr. Donahue ought to look at his own family lineage. He would be awfully surprised what he would find going back to the Emerald Isle.

The C4 Corvette front hinged hood made everything easily accessible.

One of my favorite pictures of Dr. King is at the 1964 Worlds Fair. Obviously enjoying the more than adequate power from the 260 V8. With torque that will get you to the mountain top.

Hopefully there will not be a Dodge Charger edition with Lost Causer flag taillights.

Nor has there been anytime in US history where there have been zero or few undocumented immigrants. Over the past few years there has been net negative migration from south of the border.

Clarence would oppose Loving vs Virginia which would deem his marriage invalid.

Judge Thomas’ dissent: “Because this court should not be in the business of ceremonial handwringing, I respectfully dissent.”
If only a few more members of the senate in 1991 engaged in some ceremonial handwringing we’d have a more thoughtful and decent justice on the court.
People supported Thomas because of his

I think Morgan sold a few new vehicles here in the states in 2017. Back in 2014 the low volume vehicles act was passed allowing more sales by smaller manufacturers.

My mind went to the Carrie Underwood hit Before he cheats. The character really takes it out the exes pickup.

My folks have a Saturn Ion. They have been fans of the brand since they bought a first year SL. I actually like the SL. It’s well put together, doesn’t feel like a GM car and is not a bad drive. To me the Ion is pre auto rescue GM awfulness cobbled together from their other divisions parts bins. The center instrument

Considering there was a Nash Pininfarina partnership in the 50's and 60's a Ferrari based Rambler is not out of the question.

Subaru ought to build a retro modern 360 with a flat 2 in the rear or a battery electric hybrid.