
When Subaru started to offer AWD in the late 70's the aftermarket snow plow manufacturers offered a version that fit them. This one from the Justy would probably fit the older Subaru.

I was always a 68-70 Dodge Charger fan but when the Lost Causer Dukes of Hazard boys were wrecking them, I think 38 in total according to the Dodge Charger owners club that never made me a fan of their show.

Add to that no health care for Little Cindy Lou.

He ought to be invited to the nearest, I guess Birmingham Alabama Pride parade in June. There would be a heartfelt outpouring of support for him.

Not only the no fly zone but the crippling sanctions did a lot of damage to Iraqi society. It’s not surprising that they barely had a fighting force when we invaded.

Too many though they did buy the administrations rationale and relied on the false intelligence. Plus a fair number of them put their trust in the administration.

Thank you! I don’t know why this woman still gets props. As an example after Pearl Harbor heads rolled throughout the government. After 9/11 no one was fired, even national security adviser Rice. They even opposed a 9/11 commission.

I reside in NYC so I’ll blame her for my neighbors who perished on 9/11 and those who served in Iraq.

When Farve was tweeting his junk to that journalist she mockingly referred to it as little Bret.

I once saw a third generation Camaro with the Iron Duke at a repair shop. There was so much space under the hood I thought it needed a supercharger or turbo. The Camaro version of the Mustang SVO.

“Now take the bear and show us where the bad president touched you”

As someone who grew up in and resided in Westchester during her tenure as DA I can attest to her awfulness. The previous DA Vergari was a far more Mueller like professional.

Here’s one in nice shape in a nice color for way less money.

Trump did have his own version of the Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham.

A Hanukkah party so awful the Maccabees wished they ran out oil sooner.

My folks have one. They like it. It’s their second after their first generation SL1. I’ve driven it and found it to be meh, not as good as the SL1.

You took the words out of my mouth. I posted this elsewhere.

It’s heartening to see these interns ask probing questions of the AG.
It’s obvious that they are the product of what has occurred in criminal justice over the past 35 plus years.
A prison population that has gone from 550k to 2.3 million since 1980.
The drug war, Just say no..etc.
I’ll have some hope when they are in

I’m referring to the mass transit system which is fairly contained and carries a few million people each day. In the streets I’m sure there are far more incidents by the NYPD.

I ride the NYC subway most days. The last time there was a firearms related incident on it where someone was wounded was in the 90’s when an undercover detective was mistaken for a suspect and wounded. Of course there was the infamous Bernie Goetz incident in 1984.
Thankfully incidents like this are quite rare. The