
Toyota should push for cash for clunkers like program where we subsidize people getting vehicles that are some % better fuel econ/emissions than their current vehicle. Still have the highest incentive to get a EV at 7500 or so but make it stupid for anyone to not get the hybrid version of a car or upgrade to the more

They will keep the LC low volume and high cost. To Toyota if you want a “stripper” version then you can buy a 4Runner.

I beg to differ. Just look at American trucks, you can buy an absolute stripper for under $40k (I think) and you can get top of the line north of $100k. The big 3 sell virtually every truck they can make and the people buying a $100k TRX do not seem to mind the model name on a $40k work truck.

Raptor owners be like “if you have to ask you can’t afford it”

The Tesla Cybertruck will do that with so much ease it will be mining bitcoin in the background.

The different state HQ also brings up another observation I’ve seen where Bluer states tend to have the HQ and all the high earning jobs despite redish states having the more “pro business” climate.

So do southerners as a group assign that same kind of animosity to their corporate boss? It’s interesting that they dispel of unions when the union boss is corrupt rather than think they could elect someone that isn’t corrupt into the system.

I mean your list mostly describes the CTR as well. If the ITR did not exist you wouldn’t just get the Civic?

They didn’t misunderstand they bet that those people who still wanted a small truck would just buy the bigger more expensive one. Now people are enamored with the perception of truck ownership and the practicality of an open bed but can’t afford the big trucks in the numbers that make fords bottom line happy so they

We shall see, that does bode well for people looking to get a Type S. Who knows we might see a situation where all the Type R buyers switch brands due to the markups from Honda dealers making all the Type R even with Type S MSRP.

From a recent video I saw I think that is the only portion of the window that slides. The rest of the window is just stationary glass.

Maybe the top end version. I think VW would be absolute tools if they can’t bring a base version that starts in $40-45k

The rent is still too damn high!

Not sure. I feel like Acura is considering this a halo in the same way the Type R is to Honda. Thus they may artificially lower production volumes. I haven’t heard that VW isn’t building enough Golf R outside COVID/supply chain issues. In general I assume it will do well spec for spec and reviewers will probably rank

Unless the market takes a swing to the consumer side I will assume your situation is the exception. Wishing you luck that the dealer doesn’t change their mind before you can sign the purchase agreement!

If I was still single I would struggle not to do the same.

I mean if the housing prices in your area just spiked 10-25% and suddenly the down payment you saved up is pointless cuz everyone is paying cash+. I might just say F it and buy the Supra because I know I can afford it and it makes me happy unlike the depression of wishing for a home.

This is what I do not understand about this car. Who is looking for this kind of driving experience that wouldn’t save money and just buy the Civic (which debatably has more brand cachet)? If this was the auto only or auto optional of the civic/integra duo it would make perfect sense. As is there are plenty of

Yes and No. Yes there will be enough for all 200 people who want one. No it will not sell for MSRP because the dealer “knows what they have” and the rest of the people who buy them are just speculators.

Lowering kit or gymnastic spring board. Does your neighbor have enough driveway for the run-up to the spring board?