
Why wouldn't it make more sense to send a relay satellite to make the relay time quicker?

Earth-Sun L2 is 1.5 million miles away. That's 3.9x the distance from the Earth to the Moon. Maybe you are thinking of the Earth-Moon L2 which is only 60,000 KM beyond the Moon.

Maybe next time:

It's generally understood, globally, that America and Americans, refers to the United States of America and its citizens, respectively.

"Americas" might have been confusing. With what would "America" be confused?

I think it's pretty clear that the National Parks Service only has jurisdiction over the United States. Of America.

"So why doesn't the U.S. have one?"

Spoiler: I made that in Photoshop all by myselves.

The lead photo really shows the difference in resolution well. Look at the left side image, the low resolution of the satellite image makes the search box to blurry to really use.

There's a difference between obscenity/profanity and what Trump is doing.

Does blowhard, hairpiece wearing Donald Trump really think that, people believe he has "the hottest brand in the world"???

I will NEVER call it by that name!

I'm sorry, you seem to have misspelled "Sears Tower".

I'm going to watch it based on this article alone. I like it when any math, science or otherwise anything that can just be bullshit, is actually accurate because someone took the time to either do homework, think it out, or not jerk their audience.

I always have and will, for the foreseeable future, own an Android phone. But c'mon, the iPhone 4 is four years old. How many four year old Android handsets are running Kitkat? You're lucky to have year old Android phone running the latest software. There's a lot of reasons why I don't want an iPhone, but the

Apple pointing out the obvious is what cracks you up? Thermometers must leave you downright hysterical then.

Are you fucking kidding me? This phone is 4 years old now. When it finally drops off, it will be about 4 and a quarter years old. There's not one Android phone from more than even 2 years ago that's viable now. Do you know how technology works or not so much.

What Android phone from 4 years ago is running KitKat? That's right, there isn't one, as far as I know.