
Because Hillary raised their taxes when she was President, duh.

It’s bizarre to me that this culture war isn’t just over at this point. The supreme court recognized that gay folks essentially have the same rights as straight people, they are getting married everywhere, nothing bad is happening — maybe it’s just time to let it go and admit that Leviticus is just some old bullshit

Wednesday: “Yeah Nancy Pelosi is fucking amazing the way she owned Trump last night during the SOTU, on top of how she destroyed him during the shutdown. Thank God she’s on our side.”

Yeah. What counts as “good enough” for starting gear varies by discipline. Researching online or finding an expert to ask is invaluable. Just be sure to get a variety of answers, especially online. You’ll find it settles around the right answer.

Oh, they killed them.

The Democrats should pretend they found a bunch of dumbass golden plates out in the desert or something.   These golden plates say expand Medicare or we are moving to a sister husbands system.  Tell ‘em they met Moroni and everything.  That will move the needle.  

Yeah. Alien being 40 years old freaked me out, but that was always before my time. The Matrix being 20 is what really baked my noodle, though.

You know what I got from this article?

He’s right.  We are a nation of pussies.    Matt Bevin is a rich guy who runs for governor and says things like this.   If we were a nation of tough people Matt Bevin would be tarred and feathered, his fortune taken from him, and him and his family exiled from our nation.   Yet we are soft and let rich assholes just

I admit I’m a little weirded out at the concentration of As Good as It Gets fans in these comments. 

Whatever. Kids are fucking liars.

Ah, I get it: You’re pretending to not understand the difference between preparedness and obsessive fixation. Truly original stuff. Classic work, friend.

Actually, I have a pistol because I am secure in the knowledge I’m more likely to use it on myself or my wife statistically speaking.

Wait....that doesn’t make sense. 


I think my favorite part was at the very beginning of the episode:

I loved the “Niednagel” Easter egg that felt like it was especially for Good Place Podcast listeners.

Also, Chidi screaming, “As I was saying before I saw the TIME KNIFE!” is great. WJH’s timing, inflection and surprisingly jacked body are secret MVP’s on a show full of MVP’s.

Right?!? Like, good for you—now, get outta here with that!

They do - he specifically orders it that way. It’s called a Moscow Special.

It’s just another bullshit dog and pony show.

There’s a large chunk of the population that think they are one step away from being in that top 1% of the 1%, and god forbid they have to pay more taxes to be there.