
That’s the one!

The Jedi both planned and fought in a war wearing layers of flowing material. Princess Leia and Mon Mothma commanded Death Star attacks in pristine white gowns. People are running all over the damn place in Star Wars world in dresses. Of all the weird-ass corners people are poking in to get mad about Last Jedi, this

Is anybody here really surprised that Taylor Swift would play a role in the downfall of society? It seemed obvious. Like when someone who always plays a villain plays the victim’s neighbor on a murder mystery.

Yeah, I like threats. Especially as they age.

I go with the: “In life, unless you’re born rich, you have to work to pay the rent and keep the lights on.”

If my son doesn’t do his chores I take all of the power cords for his shit away and lock them in the “locked closet of doom.” Then, I tell him if he wants the power

This post had the unexpected effect of making me want a sandwich...

Y’all could fucking vote, for one thing. 

Next time I have an important decision to make, I’m going to go to my local senior centre and let them choose for me.

...because Amazo’s comic book powers come from the Justice League, and he takes Superman’s powers all the time. I think they even beat him once by disbanding the Justice League, and he lost the powers right there.

Spoken like someone who’s never killed their sister in a moment of supreme but unintentional carelessness.

And that hair *swoon*

I have started to adopt Tahani’s way of name-dropping (“As I was saying at hot yoga with my friends Harry and Meghan, doesn’t matter where they are Duke and Duchess of, my friend Sting once told me . . .”). Only I don’t know any famous people, so it all comes across as Midwestern sadness (“As I was saying to my friend

I have to admit that I enjoyed this film far more than The Phantom Menace.

You. Yes, you... need more stars. 

You Neville Chamberlain-ass motherfucker.

I’m just super enjoying all the criticism of her voice. Because badass women don’t sound like women, they sound as close to men as possible (but still fuckably feminine, of course!!). Being in battle changes your voice and accent, because otherwise people might think you’re a frivolous woman! Can’t have that in a

It’s likely the regional fast food place bump that places like In n’ Out get. So much of our like for food is tied up in our memories and emotional response when we eat it, so remembering a place from your childhood and/or feeling special when you eat something will probably make people’s brains think it’s better than

I told you Pluto would get its revenge!

Of course. It’s so obvious now. 

I read about them in Time Magazine

It's been my go-to Christmas movie for years. It has family, just a bit of schmaltz, humor, explosions and a prominent character shares my first name. Plus I will never get tired of an incredulous Alexander Godunov mouthing "Asian Dawn?"