
I’d settle for enough money to buy a house or apartment in some places. Most places I’d want to live have single-payer insurance, so with health care out of the way, you could teach English for peanuts while fast-tracking residency and a better job because you own property.

This. Among other problems it has, NFL football is boring as shit.

No, not from WV. Maybe our dads are just, well, everywhere.

Huh. Well, maybe my problem is that I find most of the students around here to be more conservative than what I’m used to...

Sigh. I think we’re related.

It isn’t Williams or even Centre, but it’s a pretty good school. The name is Latin and means “across the woods.” It was one of the first 13 universities founded in the United States and was originally chartered by Thomas Jefferson. Lewis and Clark’s doctor went to school there, as did Cassius Clay. It’s ranked among

I always carry those antibacterial wet wipes when I’m traveling. I give the seat and other surfaces a quick rinse before settling in. As nuts as it sounds, it seems to work as I no longer get colds and other nasty viruses after I fly.

Can we include a “Whoops, I thought I was wiping my boogers on the wall! Sorry, my bad!”


Police unions have got to go.

I always want to cut and paste him into all of my family photos. If Barry Allen can be Joe’s adopted son, goddammit so can I!

Another good column, Albert.

“...the type of person who supported and still supports Donald Trump...”

The Times is possibly the worst. They love to throw bones to liberals while they cheer for war and misery.

This definitely belongs on a PowerPoint...

Nice. I teach ancient literature, so I have to stretch to make opportunities to shit on Trump to my students.

Jeff Sessions is at the top of my list. He’s fucking evil and a contemptible human being.

Anyone whose ears pricked up when they heard that won’t care.

For real. If I’m staying at an expensive place (which I can only afford to do on rare occasions) I just go for it. $5 on the pillow every morning for a few mornings isn’t going to break me after the $250/night for the room.

Curious what Lyanna Mormont’s reaction will be...