
I agree. But there is one thing politicians could do that would attract more talent to the K-12 pool: fund education. Smaller classrooms and more resources would go a long long way here.* (Salaries are a different story; in the main K-12 teachers do okay even if locally there is room for improvement.) The economic

Yep. Recently went to Orlando to Universal and only went because we got free tickets and fast passes through an old college friend who works in the park. Otherwise, fuck it.

Meh, not really. Those never really worked as well as the custom bite guard. They loose shape, distort, can be chewed up over time, etc. I went through a lot of those over the years. By the time I paid about $200 for my bite guard, I had easily run through $200 worth of OTC guards.

Hmmmm. Like a prism in reverse?

I hear you. My mom was a nurse for 30 years (ER and OB/GYN mostly) and it seemed like it was a very tough job.

To be fair, it’s a very hard job and the pay sucks. I stayed clear because of the disciplinary issues alone. (Even my students have increasingly bad disciplinary issues, and they’re adults.) There’s nothing about K-12 teaching that attracts the best and brightest.

I saw this guy and thought, “60+ white guy? Dollars to doughnuts he’s an abuser of some kind, too.” I won all the doughnuts.

Mine came in handy when I got a mouth guard (I grind my teeth). I was glad I had it for buying thousands of dollars of overpriced plastic.

Based on my experience, once you’ve paid a certain % of principal, you can drop your mortgage insurance. But yeah, if it wasn’t required when you bought your house, you don’t need it!

Yep, kudos to him. I hope he kicks much ass in the Navy and medical school.

Having educated many college students who go on to be K-12 teachers and administrators, I can say that most (but not all) are “C” students in every sense of the word: mediocre both academically and personally. If what you say is true, then I can attest from my own experience they don’t fall from such great heights to

I’m in the same boat overseas. I’ve given my fingerprints to dozens of countries, thus foiling my career as an international jewel thief.

Yep. White light is what you get when every kind of light hits your cones. It is the absence of the rainbow, or what is prior to the rainbow. A rainbow that cannot be tasted, if you will.

Harsh. But I like it.

I really miss living overseas and not hearing about a mass shooting every fucking day on the news... unless they’re reporting about the good ol’ US of A, of course.

As I understand it, the notion of “reasonable perception” is balanced against untoward “government interest.” The key phrase you’re looking for in the 1989 ruling is “whether the suspect poses an immediate threat to the safety of the officers.” In this regard, even with a body camera, this can devolve into a they

I’m getting so fucking sick of people’s perception being validated over the fucking facts, especially when it costs an innocent person his or her life. I don’t give a shit if you thought your life was in danger or you were scared and shit yourself. Cops are theoretically professionals with at least a high school

Stealing “and almost choked on my own dick” for an opportune moment in the near future.