There is a geek amongst our Congresspersons...
There is a geek amongst our Congresspersons...
@drsquirrel: It's Dr. Squirrel, not drsquirrel. And you're supposed to have a comma after "each other" in that sentence. <3
@EljhHck: And I was just getting my daily dose of carebear'in. I couldn't get my fix w/o you.
@EljhHck: Lol, out of curiousity do you think these guys run around to eachother confirming their post titles? Coincidences happens. I'm blown away at what people nitpick here lol... there's got to be something better to do!
@kelz: Well, Kelz, lot's of things were cliche at one point or another. See I chose to at least use one 5ish (or so you've timestamped) years old, so it's not quite as obtrusive. The nonsense I spoke of is rampant here and now. And dammit, Kelz, THAT'S what we need to focus on.
Also terrible is the "[Adjective] [Noun] is [Same Adjective as before] formula. Example - Poopy article is poopy. A kitten is lost every time this is used, and I throw up a little in my mouth.
@Lexicdys: Yeah that was the one area I disagree with. "A picture is worth a thousand words".
@Nitesh Singh: I hadn't either until today! It was invigorating... like petty theft, or sex with a stranger.
@reki_18: Dunno how I missed that... odd. Thanks for pointing that out!
@MDBones: spl err?
@stryder100: I'd imagine if you had the 2 large to drop on this bad boy, you could arrange the installation of one. You'd be trippin' mad balls though, son.
@StupidSimple: It's the only color that ever bested a super hero...
@Chewmieser: Really? 3D gaming doesn't spark your fancy at all? I mean I'm totally and completely turned off from the idea of 3D going mainstream with movies - that's bullshit, and it literally does almost nothing for the movie. BUT... a lot of games are about immersion. Short of VR, 3D is the closest thing you can…
@Segador: Aye aye. PS3 streaming is a real crap sandwich as is. Hopefully you'll be able to add movies to you instant queue from you PS3 instead of having to search on the comp first.
@Dacker: WHOA, DACKER! WHOA! I think the point here is that MS is awesome - likely the best. Bees knees if you will. I think we can all agree on that...
@mrdobo: don't mind those 2 "more"s. There's only supposed to be the latter lol.
@Arken: It looks as though the leg closest to the camera is nearly flush with the outer edge of the table, whereas the other legs are more set inwards more. I think it's just an illusion though... they're likely all the same.
@ThisCharmingMan: Let me start by saying, you are just... CHARMING as all get out. That being said, Charming Man, I think you're right. As long as glasses are needed, 3D will never be mainstream. And yes, the the 3DS will outstanding because they've embraced the glasses-free method.
@ThePaul: <3 Coffee... it just makes things better. Btw I'm not sure if it was intended, but the "K" in Kalifornia instantly made my mind dub in Schwarzenegger's voice. I love our state lol.