
You're a classless idiot. You don't have to be a fan of his products or even him to understand that he alone likely had more influence over any tech device you use than any other person alive. He JUST died yesterday. If we only spoke of his passing for a week we'd still be doing him an injustice.

... it's called the scrub bar. Use it to find what you want. A lot of people (myself included) like to see the setup.

Well that and... well it's a picture of Christ crossing his fingers lol.

The Secert of Monkey Island.

This needs nothing else to be considered as hipster as an item can possibly be.

@MYMHM: That's actually a really good idea... not exactly the high-tech counter to terrorism that people in this day and age like to see, but bomb unit dogs are pretty freaking accurate. Hell, they've got a dog in Japan that can pick up colon cancer just as well as a colonoscopy.

@Deep-Blue: And they $%&#ed at her iPad? Not subtle enough?

@buckleyneko: Sure, but the plaintiffs won't win lol.

@OreoExplosion: Wait a minute... isn't that Captain America?

@tomsomething: Raw power and the advantage of a shot that spreads without having to carry around something 3 times this gun's length. Sounds good on paper, though I'm not sure it's practical whatsoever lol.

@geolemon: Only guess is maybe to stifle 3DS sales? Most people who are going to buy one those, will buy one regardless of the competition, so I'm not sure how effective that strategy is lol.

@Clixx13: I want it to be the size of my chest, so I can strap it there and pretend the analog sticks ARE my nipples...

@hspace: With such limited SSD space, I've yet to dual boot. However, I've heard that many (if not most) of the people on the forums I go to for Mac crap dual boot either XP or Win7. No problems at all... the games I've all played are supported for Mac, so I can't provide a comparison between a game running on OS X or

@Gaucho85: Normally, I'm completely with you. I've been all windows my entire life, but this once, as a kind of solid commitment to the cause, I said I'd get a Mac for school. What I ended up with is the single most impressive piece of technology that I've ever owned. No gadget/computer I've ever owned served its

Simple troll physics... you just gotta crouch right as your landing.

@superflanker00su: First thought lol. This + the article about the kid lighting his bed on fire with a lighter go hand and hand. STUPIDO!

All our WWII era elders disapprove of this new hippie crap.

He made that series IMO... if it doesn't have him, screw it.

Reddit and my Contigo coffee mug, keeping my Peet's Coffee Italian Roast (which was burr ground that morning) made in my French Press piping hot for longer than I probably need it to be.