
@minjChE: Yeah... but the closing statement ("The iPhone 4 is a fantastic phone—among the best yet made—and the antenna issue may dent its crown, but doesn't dethrone it.") does a pretty good job of setting all jokes aside and admitting that it's still the king... so while they may have recapped some the issues (kind

@ThePaul: No seriously, a lot of people thought it was funny. Cheer up there, chap. It was a quick little harmless jab with no malicious intents, ya big 'ol carebear!

@linfosoma: The whole "[adjective] [noun] is [same adjective as first]" is probably the lamest, overused, and "tired" (notice, I only had to use it once for the same meaning?) fad there is.

@Ab1013227: Nah this was pretty funny lol.

I want to buy one... just for the free case.

@mrdobo: Aaaand at this point I'm figuring out greater/less than signs don't work in the comment sections lol. At any rate, Big Boss owns Odin.

@mrdobo: Mean to read: Big Boss Odin

@Odin: Big Boss Odin. When it comes to eye patches. And CQC.

@drmrw: That's one of a handful of pics that shouldn't ever be captured and saved. That and the scene where they find the video log of the old crew doing unspeakable, terrible things to eachother.

@drmrw: That's one of a handful of pics that shouldn't ever be captured and saved. That and the scene where they find the video log of the old crew doing unspeakable, terrible things to eachother.

@Bant: Electric Burger: Keeper keeper keeper. If she's kinky on top of that (most girls who like nerds are), then you have yourself a 1 in a million girl.

@wildfire359: On a scale of -10 to 10 (-10 being just batshit insane right wing, and 10 being WILDLY left and hippy/nancy news), Keith is at about a 6, Rachel Maddow at 7, and Glenn Beck at a very respectable -9.5. -10 is saved solely for Rush Limbaugh, God have mercy on his soul.

@AndPreciousLittleofThat: Holy hell, you need to just calm right the hell down. May suggest a leisure underwater cruise with the pictured sea monster?

@xtremity: A single phone was someone's life work? I think you mean to say it was a few minutes (if by their standards the employee was slow) of their work. And I'm sure they didn't think of this too, because taking these little scenario's out of context isn't worth a second of thought. It's like when someone doesn't