But not everyone has JEEEEEEzussss! Maybe that's what the helicopters were for. They were calling in a heavenly air strike of holiness!
But what if it was concealed in her uterus??!!
I do miss Dixie Carter, so much.
So what? Are we supposed to sneer at people's choices for where they hold their parties now? If the wedding party wants to have a reception at McDonald's, I'd bet they're probably pretty easy-going, and will have a good time. Not everyone feels compelled to blow massive wads of money on a wedding & reception, and put…
When I was a toddler, my dad's police-trained GSD was my constant companion, and best friend. All the way into my elementary-school years, he was like the big brother I didn't have.
German Shepherds are the best dogs on the face of the earth. What a beauty!
HAHA! Thanks very much! By all means, please finish your Chick-fil-a before it gets cold! :)
Can't say that it does.
I was expecting a Randy Johnson-worthy explosion of feathers:
Well, they can turn off the internet now. This just won everything, ever.
You're right, I could see Voight too. I probably defaulted to Walken because I just saw him in a commercial for a movie.