Cereal is so weird!
Cereal is so weird!
Related: I work part time at the zoo and we put different colored glitters in the food of the big cats so we can see who's poop belongs to whom. So, if you are going to post about rainbow poop, next time I expect more sparkle.
As one adopted person to any others: It does get better. You punch those fuckers in the face and then they know better.
Also, I wouldn't call these 'micro aggressions'. These are aggression-aggressions. >:(
Yep. I used to think I liked Quiznos, but I don't. I just liked one certain guy's Quiznos location.
You know you have the germ of a business idea here. I'd bet Darden or Yum! Brands would pay "mystery diners" to ensure that their recipes / service / food quality is consistent across all their franchisees.
"Not every culinary experience has to be Slovenian-Laotian Fusion Cuisine or Homemade Coal-Fired Artisanal Upside-Down Cronuts"
murder a Bloomin' Onion.
Sometimes, it really pays off to have knowledge. If only to be able to laugh at moments like that.
Oh, dear lord. I would have fallen out of my chair after hearing that. hah! I love it when someone uses a term like that, totally innocent of the usual meaning. I live in TN, so the Vols are super big here (surprise), so you'll see lots of female fans with bumper stickers that read "T Girl." Just... yeah... I know…
Back when I worked at Wal-Mart years ago we had a store manager that said pretty clueless things quite a bit. One night, during the store meeting before third shift, he proceeds to make a bad joke. No one laughs. The manager with him makes a joke a few minutes later that's actually pretty funny, so we all laugh. The…
I don't think you were the slightest bit rude or harsh.
Hm. Ok, I get why you think it's a reasonable questions, but it's really a flimsy analogy.
This, so much this. I also started reading Jezebel as a teenager and the difference between the website I loved and read religiously years ago and its present form are vast. Former writers and commenters never would have allowed for such hateful language about women and their bodies. I remember days when it wasn't…
Brava. I first saw your comment and thought "holy fuck this is long." Then I read it, and it's perfect.
And how does a person respond to something like this? How does a woman who started reading this website as a teenager, who used to seek refuge here when her ideas about gender and equality were shot down by her friends, peers, and sometimes even family, who for some reason imagined this place as being a center for…
Hersheys is to chocolate what Edward is to vampires. Not nearly dark enough, for one thing.