Why, it's practically sacred!
Why, it's practically sacred!
"...all of us whiskey-swilling, whore-pill taking, non-churchy types are going to get "left behind" to rot here on Earth."
Moving some cocaine to make some quick cash,
The ladies arrived with a fabulous stash,
Stuffed under wigs, and taped to their heads,
Thinking for sure it would fool all the feds.
They'd almost succeeded in getting through customs,
But were spotted by cops, who proceeded to bust 'em.
No way to deny it, no more to explain,
Anus-obsessed, and now endorsing products operated by "pump action."
Young love is terribly fickle,
And has left a poor lass in a pickle.
A warm New Year's kisser,
Turned into a pisser,
Ending not with a bang, but a trickle.
"Your Love is Good as Gold"
Romeo and Julie-Wet
Oh hell yes! Agree 100%
The big rubber duck in Taiwan,
Was found to be suddenly gone,
It's still quite a mystery,
What made the duck history,
It's too bad it couldn't hang on.
For one with "fowl" language (ba-dum-tssshh!), see the GT thread on this subject.
Joining in the expression of sympathy. If Dante had been around to see the Atlanta airport, he'd have added an extra circle.
Trying to avoid doing an internet search for "how to smoke a bong?" ;D
Wild and untamed!
Haha!! I'm going to make "brometheus" the one exception to my elsewhere-posted list!
Despite using it in a limerick the other day, I never have liked that one, really. If one can't manage the second syllable of a two-syllable word, it just seems lazy.
Clicked for this, was not disappointed.
- Twerk
"...Takes On A-ha"
I went to bing in search of "shame gesture." There are more than a few theories, ranging from punitive peeling of potatoes, to an implied thread of finger amputation for thieves. There doesn't seem to be any clear consensus though. Guess it's just one of those things as old as humans.
Amen, amen, and amen.