
I like Bafingle Quag. Let’s face it Earth as a name is pretty dull. All the other planets got named after God’s. Gods, Godammit!!

Great article and an interesting read.

Your right, in fact in terms of are we about to wipe ourselves out, shit is massively improved compared to the height of the cold war. However, we’ve only had the capability to actually wipe ourselves out for the past 50 odd year’s which in the annals of human history is but a blink. If you try and forecast capability

Essentially yes. A full nuclear exchange, whilst it would kill tens if not hundreds of millions people directly, would not directly cause a mass extinction.

I think it’s a little unfair to dismiss his opinion because it’s on a field outside of theoretical physics. It’s not like he is putting forward a theory that requires the full scientific rigorous applied to it.

However there are two e’s in the correct spelling :-)

Tepco to the best of my knowledge never said that the decommissioning work would be finished in 2016. It takes longer than that to go from shut down to last fuel removal on an intact plant and THEN you start decommissioning.

So does that mean it’s sucking energy from its own star? Someone really didn’t think that one through at the design stage.

Well at least one First Order officer thought about and tried it raise it to his superiors.

Thanks, I suspected it might be something along the lines of we don’t know bit my astrophysics is more than a little rusty.

So does this suggest that atoms and dark matter are being turned into Dark Energy or that dark energy is being increased?

Right, that’s it. I’m off to destroy civilization then finally I can be at peace

This is essentially the plot of Seveneves, the moon is destroyed spelling doom for life on Earth in a short (a few years) time scale. What can be done about it? Interesting idea even if I have some misgivings about the overall plot and structure of the book.

Interesting I always saw him as looking (visually not in any other way) like Herc from the wire

I Found the look of the Martians quite interesting. There seemed to be something I can’t quite put my finger on but they all seemed very “neat” and cold. I thought it was quite a good way to differentiate them from the Belters and Earthers.

Yeah she seems too polite, I don’t think her fire, passion and frustration at the way things are being handled by the “bobble head” and others comes across yet.

I always pictured Amos as white, but thinking back I don’t think his ethnicity is ever described in the book. Interesting how everyone seems to be getting it different...

Yeah I thought Ceres sets were great but the rest of the spaceships seem, I dunno, too spacious. The cant was good but the donnager doesnt work for me.

Wow, great graphic. I did not realise it was that big!

Ha nothing too exciting I’m afraid.