
I actually worked, briefly, on the decommissiong of the Russian northern fleet. The situation they have up there is scary. Fully fuelled nuclear ships that ground at low tide in the middle of a city, rusty sinking subs, a floating spent fuel storage (if you can call it that Google Lepse) ship and fuel pond that is a

Iassume as it stands this is all theoretical and there isn’t any direct evidence (gravitational lensing or such) to one of these black holes?

I like the little touchs like the when Miller pours the whisky and has to take into account the coriolis forces

SPOILERS -Books and TV

Why bother even taking a swing round the solar system? Grab a few asteroids and send them on their merry way down the gravity well, sit back with your space pipe and space slippers, enjoy the show and then strip mine to your heart’s content once the dust has settled.

Just out of interest what sort of decay heat comes out of the waste products of reactors like PRISM?

Activated components components, particularly LWR, are relatively easy to deal with. Depending on your decommissioning strategy you can either prompt decommission, generally using remote techniques or wait for a bit until the dose drops sufficiently for more manual decommissioning techniques.

Very true. It’s amazing that people can’t see that there is a place in the energy strategy for Renewables AND nuclear.

Whilst you are correct that these are passive designs, most commercial reactors being built at the moment are not passively safe. Although China is investing in Pebble beds etc the vast majority of reactors be built now are variations on light water reactors (EPR, ABWR,VVER etc) or possibly some heavy water reactors

Thing is he’s getting all the press. From the other side of the pond we are in about equal measures bemused, terrified and pissing ourselves laughing at the crazy rhetoric that is coming out of US politics at the moment. Now I don’t believe for a minute that the majority hold these views but at the moment Trump is

Sorry I thought the issue was ionizing radiation. Totslly agree on the IR and UV. under IR there is going to have to be some robust climate control going on. As for UV I don’t think that is an issue for the reasons you have already mentioned

Realistically Aluminium is only really good against beta which can be stopped by a reasonable amount of air.

I dunno, I was on an A380 recently which had tail cam and a look down cam available through the in-flight entertainment system and they were DULL

Made a similar reply to synthzoic. Essentially aircraft skin (or indeed Windows) are not really optimised for shielding, which is generally a function of density. This is why aircrew generally get the highest dose of most professions, way more than nuclear workers for example.

Yeah that’s what I was thinking, I don’t think a clear dome is going to offer much less shielding than a standard aircraft skin, which is designed to be as light as possible.

That I think is one of the most coherently argued comments I’ve seen. You’re going to get royally flamed but I would like to see on some of the counter arguments. Well done sir or madam.

Hoy coyo sa toda Ceres salt Que si?

Came here for this. Not disappointed.

A great response.

a roofer’s personal politics come heavily into play when choosing jobs....