
Wow... Bobbi shot first?

What’s that other barry? I didn’t make the list?

I hope this was a Discworld reference.

Well IIIIII remember let me tell you when all flights were limited to 55mph because of the foil crisis and they couldn’t take to the sky going so slowly so they had to just grumble along the ground like tired old wasps, and they glumly crashed through the fence at the end of the flooblestrip, and everyone cried out,

...I was disappointed to see Theresa May, our unelected Prime Minister refuse to condemn this policy...

I’ve got a flight to the US rostered for next week. It will be interesting to see how it pans out, but there are going to be a lot of nervous people on board I think.

Somewhat unamusingly, an edict came down from our airline management via email about this. They were going to start holding the flight crews accountable for anyone who got on board who was turned away from the USA (it costs the airline an enormous amount of money when this happens.)

I think you have just proved that Benedict Cumberbatch is related to Danny Dyer.

“I can do this all day” just took on a whole new meaning. Thanks for that.

Bothan Commander: Alright, we’ve got the plans, but this is a tight spot. That’s okay, we’ve been through worse together. We just need to get through this blast door and we’re home free.

Mothma: You all did such a good job with the first Death Star plans. Now I need you to find the location of the Empires new battle station.

Would decompression be an issue? I thought the inside of subs are kept at atmospheric pressure so it’s not like during a scuba dive where you’re on compressed air.

He’s no Brendan Gleeson, but I’ve enjoyed watching McShane in stuff since bloody Lovejoy and he’s a great choice.

All that clothing is for protection from contamination, not radiation. Low level contamination is relatively harmless. If you get it on you, you wash it off. But obviously you don’t want it on you so you wear protective clothing. Airborne contamination requires the respirator. I’ve been in the industry for 30 years

Not intending to flame, but I generally don’t like to refer to explosive payload as freedom. It’s death. If death is your idea of freedom, we have very different definitions. Is it necessary? Absolutely. But when you call a horrible necessity “freedom,” you give up all claim to your humanity. War is not glamorous, war

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The similarities don’t stop there! Drinking alcohol is frowned upon at the Starkiller Base, and they also don’t like their women to show any skin:

It’s not science fiction, at all. It just wears the clothes.