So they finally switched to grid fins. Wonder if it was a volume issue
So they finally switched to grid fins. Wonder if it was a volume issue
Peristaltic pump as a generator? GLHF with that mass flow rate and efficiency
Why stop with just Jerusalem? Why not the whole world and everyone on it for permanent peace on Earth and to ensure humanity will never suffer again?
Why do I get the distinct impression that this sandwich idea came from a “hold my beer” moment?
And all those rpms are just begging to used in a hybrid setup
Have you seen how fast the Amish build houses and barns? Why do you think the US government has been keeping them in reserve?
If the Russians ever run out of bombs, I’m pretty sure that they’d just use their strategic vodka stockpiles (which for all intents and purposes is limitless) in improvised FAE devices fashioned from Soviet era Ladas
Socialism has everything to do with it. War profiteering is so much easier in a true capitalist paradise
Pax Americana
Gotta milk that contract for all its worth
Better for our pocketbooks, no?
Yes, it is. #makeamericagreatagain
I’m glad you asked citizen because you seem to be under the impression that China is a “good socialist” country. It is in fact a stronghold of the enemy; a bastion of Communism. All countries other than the USA are “good socialist”(ex:Five Eyes partner countries), “bad socialist” or Communist, because as we all know,…
You seem to be confused, citizen. Socialism is a dangerous road to Communism and you don’t want to be a dirty, subversive Commie do you? Only by having the USA thoroughly assume the responsiblity of defense of all “good socialist” countries, like West Germany can we completely protect the world from the evils of…
No, no, no. When “socialist” countries start massively increasing their defense budgets, we simply relabel them as Communist to help differentiate them from “good socialist” countries like Canada. Now let me help you and your family to the nearest re-education and indocrination camp.
You gotta pay for that welfare state with something, the implication being that a socialist country would presumably focus more on its citizens’ welfare than ammunition stockpiles, especially when Big Brother USA is playing World Police
Hey now, we need him and his club to stop Thanos
That’s what happens by being socialist ;)
There are. Problem is that funding for these micromunition projects is always off and on depending on the fiscal year and the asshats in charge.