
Still better than living under the Soviet boot; you know what they say better dead than red

Comes with a complimentary Tonka toy

What’s in those giant ass bags the PJs have strapped to their front?

Those shitlords should really check their privilege, amirite?

Damn it you beat me to the C&C reference.

Wrong unit bro. Dreadnought missile spam

If only the Super Tomcat came to pass...

What happens when you can’t show them your work due to its nature?

Fucking goddamn daltons every single time :)

Stop exposing our black ops fundraising scheme

Triangular lifting wing = Illuminati = Aliens

Its called rednecks with guns

Do you enjoy not living under KGB rule? You’re welcome.

“Analogous to a mechanical version” is what I meant. Not typing correctly is what you get when you’re watching the xfiles while simultaneously commenting :)

It takes advantage of the buckling phenomenon to change the effective spring constant of a system on the fly. As Andrew said it’s essentially an analog/mechanical version of GM’s magnetorheological suspension.

Damn it Obama; I was really looking forward to my Saturday night

Only when chemists stop getting high off their own supply and invent better batteries :)

They’re clearly training to fight Santa and his elves so they can reappropriate his magical factories

Dat oblique shockwave doe

I’m gonna steal this