
I don’t know most of these jokes.  I vote for the parallel construction theory that these people were making up the joke on the spot but were beaten to the punch[line] by countless other people making it up then and there.

jesus white people, get yo’ shit together. 

No one is involuntarily celibate. You just have zero fucking game.

But before, Steam was the only grocery store in town. And you still have your full rights as a consumer to not shop at a grocery store you don’t approve of. If it means you have to miss out on a product that you’re interested, then maybe it can teach you the fact that sometimes taking a moral stand has a cost. That’s

I’m beginning to wonder if perhaps it isn’t the healthiest thing in the world for people to wrap their entire identity and core of their being around the act of consumption of a specific product.

I’m just taking a stab in the dark that these self described Gamers™ and Consumers™ would probably benefit from backing

Tonight, YOU!”

Actually no, notification of an upcoming layoff is not technically a layoff. They are following the WARN act, which is merely notification of a mass layoff.

I’m pretty sure at least 95% of the people who criticize FO76 haven’t even played it. I remember when Giant Bomb was having their annual award deliberations and one of their writers was absolutely adamant that FO76 deserved Biggest Disappointment. I’m talking about total conviction here, as if FO76 had killed his dog


Devil’s advocate: their misogyny is a symptom of their self-hate.  Once they gain more confidence about their appearance, they potentially can be happier with themselves, and kinder to the rest of the world.

The whole article is worth a read, but here’s my favorite/dear lord help us all moment. After going on and on about how his appearance is keeping him from attracting the women he so deserves, Truth4Lies then drops this little nugget on us:

Spoiler alert the movie will still be awful because the kind of people who thought that first design was acceptable made the rest of the film too

Games have become SERIOUS business. I made it half way through the story until I thought to myself “why the hell am I reading this”. *promptly goes back to relaxing and playing Overwatch*

An industry driven by manufactured rarity that relies on people making many purchases in the hopes they got what they wanted. Except in this case you can trade, sell, or store away a TANGIBLE, NEVER DISAPPEARING BECAUSE IT’S NO LONGER SUPPORTED PHYSICAL ITEM, in the hopes it increases on value, thereby making it a

The icons for steam and the epic store are right next to each other on my desktop. Sometimes I double click the wrong one and the wrong front-end opens up and I can’t play my game right away. What does Valve plan to do about that? These inconveniences are one day going to affect my ability to play a video game.

I’m sorry, but the only (and very simple) solution is to make the internet not anonymous. I don’t know why people feel like it should be.

Looking closer...

I feel ashamed and scared this article made it to press without your lack of integrity being pointed out. This is terrifying if it’s not some kind of bad satire.

So congrats, SNL, you made conservatives extremely happy! But if you’re so concerned with doing the right thing, shining a light on Crenshaw’s dangerous politics might be a better place to start.