
The jetpack launch lifted the rear of the bike.

Seems like Phil Fish was ahead of the curve, in retrospect.

Is releasing the original into theaters with a proper, up-to-date marketing push out of the question? 

I’m under the impression that they view their habits and behaviors not as such, but as unchangeable traits like eye and hair color or height. “I’m just messy, that’s part of who I am” but not in an insightful way. They will also be extremely disappointed when they possibly, finally do find someone to sleep with and

Everything they learned about women and relationships came from pornhub. 

The ESA needs to disappear.

I almost replied to some of the comments before mine here... Dodged a bazooka shell I think.

What? How do the age gate controls verify anything? Seriously. I want to know how you are confirming a user is the age they claim.

I respect your opinion (even the simulated life one), but I have to disagree.

You got the point.

Its not a good counter argument. You can touch a card, and it has value to others, and you can trade or sell it at an agreed upon value, big or small. It can be an investment, or it can be fun. Loot boxes can only be one of those.

An industry driven by manufactured rarity that relies on people making many purchases in the hopes they got what they wanted. Except in this case you can trade, sell, or store away a TANGIBLE, NEVER DISAPPEARING BECAUSE IT’S NO LONGER SUPPORTED PHYSICAL ITEM, in the hopes it increases on value, thereby making it a

His naiivity is over 9000!

One line, that is an obscure reference (whether or not you want to believe that), is not affecting sales of this game. If the "plagiarism" were the cause of sales I could understand, but nobody is buying this game because of one line, just like nobody would pay to hear you hum a few bars of anything.

It’s really about context. My ex-wife enjoyed it so I did’t have any problem sending her some. Or the two girlfriends since her who also asked for them. Or the other close female friends who have seen one or at least asked even if I didn’t send one. It’s not crazy to think that one of the primary parts of sex might be

Because that would be facist and illegal. They might be shitty, but the man can use and think whatever words he wants. It's sort of a human right.

It's the best school they can buy their dumbass kids' way into, and it is done so frequently that it carries a Hollywood kind of skin deep prestige

The icons for steam and the epic store are right next to each other on my desktop. Sometimes I double click the wrong one and the wrong front-end opens up and I can’t play my game right away. What does Valve plan to do about that? These inconveniences are one day going to affect my ability to play a video game.

Maybe there’s a generational difference of understanding the motivation for the different outfits. I’m Gen X, and growing up we’re taught that kink is best kept behind closed doors. Ivy, as a girl, grew up as a well-to-do socialite. Her kink tendencies would have absolutely been frowned upon. Now that she’s fully