
So? An eye for an eye is how it goes in these modern times? Is tribalism really the best path for us? 

I feel ashamed and scared this article made it to press without your lack of integrity being pointed out. This is terrifying if it’s not some kind of bad satire.

I enjoyed Destiny 1, played through every scrap of the add-ons minus all the raids. I figured what the hay, I’ll give numero dos a shot since it’s free.

One other thing I forgot to mention, companies tend to only make things they HOPE people will want. When Blizzard developed the original Diablo, they could never have predicted anyone would like it. Fortunate for us it was of high quality, and fun. If it hadn't, they may not even exist today. That's a main ingredient

There’s no way to know what goes on in shareholders meetings, but I get the feeling that the *actual* Blizzard employees had no say in the licensing of their property, or could argue against the memo that came from above informing them they’ll be promoting the game at their trade show. I find it troubling that this

If she wasn’t compliant with a lawful order she could have been arrested without it getting physical.

Edit: flew over my head for a second. Proceed

Playing devil’s advocate here, as I absolutely do not condone any type of illicit relationship, but this article and some of the replies are predicated on the assumption of a sexual relationship. As upstanding a guy as he was touted to be, is it out of the realm of possibility that he may have actually been respectful

Thanks for showing us clips of the 11 year old.

Everything about this “game” was a boring grind. Even crafting and building was a tedious process, only as refined as Minecraft, not improved. I bought into early access and I tried very much to overlook issues I had with it, but I just couldn’t for more than a couple if months. There was some great tech on display,