Mr.Custodial Arts

About 8 seconds out of the 169 minutes are total silence, though…made for some awkward moments at the IMAX theater…I heard a dude (or woman) break wind a few rows back. He/she should've waited.

*Googles "obstreperous"*…yeah, he's obstreperous alright. Not sure if that's necessarily a bad thing, though.

"Hey, you're the black Ghostbuster!" > "I'm RICK JAMES, bitch!"

I like movies about breakfast.

I just blacked out for a moment under a wave of nostalgia…

Not my favorite episode. :(

No shit? Missed that…

Marty ends up banging a nurse from physical therapy. Rustin teams up with the sideburn preacher, celebrates the word of the Lord whilst fitted with his brand new colostomy bag, donates all of his Schopenhauer and Nietzsche to the local community college. Carcosa gets turned into a skate park. Season 2? One detective

DAFT PUNK are running a contest on FACEBOOK-two winners get to take their place at the awards, stand behind computers and bob their robotic heads to the beat.

Does this movie exist outside of December? Watching DIE HARD and LETHAL WEAPON is weird enough during the Summer, but I haven't tried with this one.

And to think-I was JUST about to check out that Tyler Perry movie…phew!

That really should be the tagline of the site.

I'd understand Kanye's appeal more if he was diagnosed as a schizophrenic-I just wish Kool Keith got this kind of recognition.

"In his post (which has since been removed)"

Skeleton Witch vs. Barenaked Ladies…AV Club, why do you hate women?

Well, let me ask you-how do you feel about the trumpet?

Sifting through these here comments at work the other day, I came across this one…went home listened to Rust in Peace that night…that solo comes on, and I think-"man, I gotta find that guy and upvote the sonofabitch."

Two more words: YOU WIN.

"You run this precinct like CHICKEN night in TURKEY!"
