Cornflake Without The Milk

big idiot’s beef

IDK maybe I’m reading too much into but the statement sort of sounds like the “it MUST have been consensual we’ve had sex before/after,” argument. 

Last time a Kizer talked this big, the rest of us got drafted.

If you’re not from Brazil, it’s hard to understand the magnitude of this tragedy.

Or as 1939 is known in Trump’s America - The start of the war of Polish Aggression.

Those fans can’t melt real teams!

I guess that explains why Eli’s lips were moving the whole night.

If we’re splitting hairs, it is actually 1/6th, not 1/12th... or, if you really want to be accurate, 1/4 of voting-age Americans.

(No, I was not one of that 1/4. Just a stickler for correct numbers.)

All this elections shows is that republicans finally figured out identity politics.

And women. Not just men. Just grow up and take it as a learning experience to not demonize half of America when you need some of their votes. That’s the lesson to learn!

I’m curious. What privileges and rights do you think us “white people” should surrender for the greater good?

Which is fucking infuriating, because all I keep hearing this morning was about how working class white America was ‘feeling neglected’ and ‘tired of being condescended to’ (read: having to make room in the country for non-whites).

Shrill. I guess we know where you’re coming from. Assclown.

It really floors me that Hillary supporters can be just as ignorant and ridiculous as Trump supporters. I could give you an objective list of why she was a bad Democratic candidate and you would just sit there and respond with “SEXIST REDNECK”.

Poor, persecuted Bernie bros.

The day for fighting and conquering was yesterday. You missed it.

Or, and I’m just being crazy here, don’t force a candidate on people and then get surprised when she doesn’t get a massive surge of support. Also if you are going to force a candidate, you might not want to pick the most disliked candidate in the history democratic party.

It’s amazing that Trump won white women overall by 53% and you’re still going with the sexism narrative. If women don’t vote for her and men don’t vote her, then maybe the problem is her.

Let’s recognize that “racist” and “bigoted” and “morons” may be technically true but harmful and probably distracting terms. Let’s consider that economic uncertainty and a(n ironic) sense of disenfranchisement are perhaps closer to root causes than conscious rational choices of hatred over other recognized solutions.