Cornflake Without The Milk

There is a reason people become prison guards; they aren't qualified to be cops.

You are. The Florida Department of Corrections is a corrupt cesspool. It’s prisons are an overcrowded cauldron of animosity and racial violence. Sexual assault is a rampant. They don’t call the youthful offender boot camp a gladiator school for nothing.

Rape is common in penal systems all over the globe. Anglo has nothing to do with it.

You forgot white.

Alachua County too

Amen, bruva!

Geragos might be the most famous lawyer to lose every high profile case he has taken. He is the perfect example of self-promotion being more important that ability. Incredible.

Seriously, it's as if history started in whatever year this guy was born.

This guy is the perfect mascot for the university he represents.

+1 Wojo

If you follow track and field or road racing you know that throwing elbows and stepping on other racers is common. No one makes a big deal about it, because it is accepted and typically doesn’t happen in the last few paces of the race. Read the above response by another poster regarding how the Kenyans treated

Self-hating white people can’t contain themselves.

The Africans do this shit all the time. Nobody cries about this when they do it. It’s part of the sport. Also, i have no desire to fuck you. You would probably give me herpes.

Fuck you, too. The Africans throw elbows all the time on the track and during road races. It’s just usually in a pack of runners.

I know you think you are clever, but I'm not Molly.

Oh, Fuck you!

What did you think of all those Republicans who said that they are not scientists when they obfuscate on climate change? Most journalists aren’t anything, but writers. It’s not an excuse for being a bad journalist. Also, the fact that you think this is my case is amusing. Have a great weekend.

I hope he fights it. There has got to be a statute of limitations defense.

Gawker Media’s writers consistently misrepresent legal proceedings in their posts. I am uncertain whether this is done intentionally or not. Regardless of the reason, it is unacceptable. Their misrepresentations harms the litigants, the court system, the public and its readers.

You are absolutely correct. Recruiting is a bait and switch for so many athletes. There is always another athlete that the school can recruit, but these young men and women only get 4 years.