Cornflake Without The Milk

That would have been impossible.

From where?

Duke, the Russian oligarchs of higher education.

I think “journalists” should attempt to accurately tell the story.

The defense appears to be asserting that she holds some responsibility for the harm she suffered once she became an adult, not that she is responsible for being raped.

The L.A. Times reached out to Marlborough’s attorney. This is what he wrote, “The legal ‘answer’ we filed in L.A. Superior Court two weeks ago in no way seeks to prove that the plaintiff was negligent as a teenager. The contributory negligence defense laid out in the filing is a standard defense to a negligent

They are not blaming her for her own abuse. I would not rely on this writer to make a judgment on the legal proceedings in this case.

You are so exhaustingly dimwitted. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Using your obtuse thinking, you must be a pussy because you continue to imply that I am one. right?

This is a comment section on the internet. Commenting on things is the point. Kind of like what you are doing. Maybe you should get that plank in your eye checked out.

He implied that everyone he knew was cool with it. I challenged his assumption. Your assertion that I have a fragile ego, because I suggested that people thought he was a pussy is deeply flawed reasoning. You need to go back to logic for freshmen.

Pointing out that he is delusional doesn't have anything to do with me at all.

They didn't say it, but that's what they were thinking.

This is the obvious and common sense solution to a non-problem. Any person that is so tortured by this ridiculous navel gazing is the kind of pain in the ass that should be avoided at all costs. I see a conscious uncoupling in the future for this couple.

It all makes sense. My home state is dominated by a guy that used to beat up his high school girlfriends. But he looked fly with all his juray.

I too have never finished anything I didn't start.

+ 1 8-ball

You wrote, “They never ARE truly responsible ...”

Who the fuck wants to be around someone that is never responsible for their actions? This is some high level bullshit you are trying to pass off here.

They are called Donor Cycles for a reason.