
Thanks. Now you mention it I kind of remember Space Cobra. But I really remember Cagliostro because they used that arcade game a lot on the game show Starcade back in the 80s.

Yeah, you kind of expect an Engineer... they put that outfit on this dude, I think that would have worked.

The correct answer is The O’Neill.

Now playing

Castle of Cagliostro will always be Miyazaki’s best work, in my opinion~

Nausicaa always and forever

I think he had a Flash back.

Chris Farley wouldn’t work in Ghostbusters (I like Chris Farley, and I like Ghostbusters). However, Melissa McCarthy *really* doesn’t work in Ghostbusters. But we’ll see. Maybe she’ll just be a normal funny person that happens to be large and tells witty jokes and we won’t get her usual big, dumb girl stereotype

Whenever I hear anyone complain about the title Cowboys and Aliens, all I can think of is that this person probably kicks cute puppies and knocks ice cream cones out of the hands of small children. The title fits perfectly with the story’s subject matter and is funny to boot!

There are also Posters for Keystone City (The Flash), Markovia (The Outsiders), A Detective John Jones (Martian Manhunter) appears on a Shift list and than there is the Guy in the Beginning with a Batman Halloween Mask. I’ve read online that he is a reference to the Bat-Dad Guy, but my first thought when i saw him was

Should’ve just done this to both of them:


And also the page is taking far too long to load.

Another biplane that served throughout the war was the Fairey Swordfish torpedo bomber which sank one Italian battleship and damaged two others in the Battle of Taranto and also crippled the Bismark.

Thermal Detonators...bruh, do you even SW?

If I see any Wheeled Warriors ...I will explode.

Not that I’m judging a book by it’s cover - actually, fuck that - I’m totally judging a book by it’s cover - but the trailer gave me the impression that the movie was all “Look, she’s fat and ugly in the world of The Beautiful People! Laugh!”

“Across this wasteland, we look for the one to save us all— the one called “The Librarian”.

You hunt for platinum. I’ll hunt for books. My Mad Max car would be a tricked out book mobile.

The sniper rifle is a close second. Between the two, you didn’t have to be afraid of anything.

See, I never found to be a weapon that was OP. I always saw it as an general purpose weapon that took skill to use. If you played MLG rules, then everyone would start with it so it’s not like anyone would have a huge advantage early, mid, or late game. It’s not like some other FPS’ where you start with shitty weapons