
probably not a popular opinion...but I’d argue all of the Next Gen movies were pretty awful.

dude...if its the X Mansion...or dealing with Genosha? X Mansion easy.

yes...because in a film made up entirely of plot holes and so called “easter eggs” THIS would have been one step TO far...right....

the same Margaret Cho who built the foundation of her “comedy” act by perpetuating Asian stereo types via a non-stop horrible impersonation of her own mothers accent?

or it could be Hera’s father Cham. IIRC his long history command over several wars gives him higher rank than Hera.

I think Valarian will also do pretty well

Wow...theres a whole lot of really obvious fake looking CGI in that Trailer...Bato looks terrible. and its pretty clear they are Retconning Kusangi’s back story ..probably to serve what ever half ass pplot they’ve concocted.

a Time Lord wielding the Infinity Gauntlet is kind of horrific concept

a chance to own the car that ruined Bohemian Rhapsody for every one.

back in 96-97, I was living in of the dudes I made friends with collected Hearses. (he had to have more than one...because they were always under repair). He used to enjoy fucking with people on that bridge.

gosh, you are right...children of color should NOT have role models to cosplay as.

the hell is the scoop on the roof expected to accomplish?

first get City of Arlington to pay for your Football stadium... get City of Frisco to foot the bill for your new massive training complex... charge min. $75 for parking alone at games at stadium the city paid for...

one Great Film (D9) one really good film with an overly simplistic morality play at its core (Elysium) and one mediocre but well made film that would have been served had it not centered around shoe horning in Die Antwerd..(Chappie...for a hyper violent remake of Short Circuit anyways.)

for standard laptop hard drives, I find the most effective tool/method is to whack it really hard with a hammer once or twice. the platters shattered in a few thousand shards. while its theoretically possible to reassamble...assuming you don’t lose any pieces...its unlikely most of us have data anyone wants THAT badly.


Nope...its Rob Liefield. fuck him. period.

for anyone who cars...and its not really car related...2 things

still wrong. Russia is #4... behind Climate Change, a Trump presidency, China rising...THEN Russia.