that would be the 500L dragging down the relatively maintenance free and reliable 500.
that would be the 500L dragging down the relatively maintenance free and reliable 500.
absolutely. awhile back I was working a job in the Florida Panhandle during “love bug” season, driving rental cars...we made a bet to see who could go the longest without hosing off their car one...but only when the other guys car started to over heat due to bugs in the radiator.
I’m on my second Fiat and I’ve not had any issues. keep pushing the cliches though.
Fiat...its not for everybody...and for those us that love our Fiats...we’re cool with that.
I can’t be the only person on the planet who habitually uses my parking brake?
how does someone afford all the hideous custom mods on that POS ALL those guns, while feeding a Heroin habit?
oddly enough...I recognized the photo as soon as I saw it... history nerd yo.
that photo is from “Million Dollar Point” in Vanuatu in the pacific...the US Miltary drove and or bulldozed millions of dollars of equipment into the ocean after the war.
why the hell would you attempt to map the Earth with Drones?
why would I want to raid the settlements? I’ve already consolidated all the settlements under my rule...I destroyed the Institute, the Brotherhood of Steel and the Children of Atom to make this happen...seems more like I’d want to eliminate the threat of these new Raiders to preserve my budding Commonwealth nation…
so far word is that the guy who got shot by a police officer was attacking a women who was inside the car with the smashed windows....he was smashing the glass with a large rock (like the decorative ones seen in that photo) right and I mean RIGHT outside the baggage claim/passenger pick up lane at Love Field. a cop…
nice to know the stereotypes about blond bimbos being rock stupid is still in play.
dude...I’ve been refused service at the McD drive through when I , as an able bodied person with sight rode up on a bicycle.
in the future it would be nice if they just said they were going to release on the last day of the month instead of this “in May...probably” non-sense.
well I only met the one. he was in Sanctuary. I play on xbox one. I had gotten into the Institute...and talked to Father...but hit the glitch where I did the hacking bit on the transporter to soon, and only after spending an afternoon doing all the dialouge /collecting junk/mission queuing I hit the glitch and…
my first thought was because his mother took Thalidomide ...then I realized that was just perspective foreshortening...
thats great and all...but where the hell is my keyboard and mouse support for the Xbone?
well...reading the article, the wording implies that the Employee send the files from within Lucas Arts... of course the article also says the game was uploaded “within Minutes”...which is obviously bullshit. the system req’s for that game required up to 180mbs of disk space to install...with a 14.4 that would take…
I’ve been thinking about taking Marie...Ive already gotten her consciousness transferred into a synth I’m wondering if that will trigger anything in Acadia.