
oddly enough...I recognized the photo as soon as I saw it... history nerd yo.

that photo is from “Million Dollar Point” in Vanuatu in the pacific...the US Miltary drove and or bulldozed millions of dollars of equipment into the ocean after the war.

except that the result is not a “TRACKING SHOT” in the sense everyone is talking about it. then again...technically neither is the hallway fight in DareDevil as that was filmed using a steady cam rig.

why the hell would you attempt to map the Earth with Drones?

except that DareDevil and Mephisto have a LOOOONG history as adversaries in the comics, so this wouldn’t surprise me, and I’ve kind of wondered if he would get screen time.

it was cool...but it was obviously heavily laced with CGI effects and compositing...while True Detective and DareDevils shots were done in real time without CGI not really the same thing.

no fantasy elements...except you know....a Giant. a Giant who really should have armed himself...swinging a small tree about, or hell...even just kicking at the Bolton’s line would have turned the battle long before the Knights of the Vale predictably rode in at the last second to “Save the day”

now if they could just get the maps to actually orient themselves based on the direction of travel.

I’m assuming we are just ignoring “Batman The Cult” with regard to Jason Todds character...thats the one that had Batman driving a monster truck bat mobile with a machine-gun turret that was hand waved away as “tranc darts” , Batman hacking apart a villain with an axe, and Jason Todd tossing lit dynamite sticks into

why would I want to raid the settlements? I’ve already consolidated all the settlements under my rule...I destroyed the Institute, the Brotherhood of Steel and the Children of Atom to make this happen...seems more like I’d want to eliminate the threat of these new Raiders to preserve my budding Commonwealth nation

poor mans james bond had something like that written up. basically rigging a method of dropping castor oil into the exhaust after the cat.

I think thats supposed to be the glow from all the radiation.

so far word is that the guy who got shot by a police officer was attacking a women who was inside the car with the smashed windows....he was smashing the glass with a large rock (like the decorative ones seen in that photo) right and I mean RIGHT outside the baggage claim/passenger pick up lane at Love Field. a cop

nice to know the stereotypes about blond bimbos being rock stupid is still in play.

did they NOT take it out of its shipping plastic, or is it supposed to be that nonsensically hideous?

does the 500 count?

I don’t see why...I grew up reading the strip in my local paper, and have gone back and read collected volumes, and the film was pretty faithful to the comic.

now if we can just get Billy Zane to reprise his role as The Phantom

I would be perfectly happy if the universe just forgot Lobo existed.

and most of the male characters seem to have a rash of pelvic thrust-ism.