
“and their won’t be any warning, because all my facial responses are equal and unclear”

you’ve seen her act? whats that like?

well...Olivia Munn was busy “acting” in the new X-men film so they had to go with Stewart as a solid plan B.

I love how the accuracy and efficacy of weapons fire is always dictated by the plot... heres a crew that has dispatched scores of the most elite soldiers the Empire can throw at them... even outshooting one of the most bad ass Madolorians around...yet they get hung up taking on a couple of Rodian space miners because

McCracken isn’t back working on this series either...I’d almost wonder if the Guilds strike activity last fall might be a factor here...but probably not...since they have Tom Kenny and Roger Jackson reprising their roles again... entirely possible its about money.

its still really cool.

as cool as it is... it’s only an “80's video” to people who weren’t present in the 80s.

no it’s not... BSG has had a project in some form of development by one production company or another since the original was canceled in the late 70's.

you’re not alone. at least we finally got to see the pilot ...we got to really see the Colonial Fleet and Galactica fully armored and fully armed...if only too briefly.

“a prequel called Caprica, and another prequel called Blood and Chrome—fell flat.”

I gave Wayward Pines a shot...but once the “twist” was revealed it quickly became apparent that the show had no where else to go and I stopped.

that looks so damn familiar

that is one fake looking facial appliance

Olivia Munn top in her class at the Kristen Steward School for Over-rated Hacks Lack of Acting and Frozen Facial Expressions.

Nolans films aren’t “Batman” films.

not sure if you mean “weak” as in powers wise or “weak” as in LAME.

I get that some taste is entirely subjective... but the hate for TBBT is inexplicable to me. I mean if you don’t like it...fine... but its one of the few shows to ever consistently reference fandom/pop culture references and get them right. no made up comic heroes lip service to genres...the people writing the

to the point of preventing the “Special Editions”...I’d agree...but Lucas made other films...created other franchises. there were some gaps between feature films but Lucas was busy with all kinds of non-StarWars crap constantly... Lucas begat ILM...ILM begat all manner of things...and all the parts of ILM when not this going to be an alternate Earth portal cross over...becuase I’d think between Arrow/Constatine/Flash/Legends of Tomorrow, if Superman existed on that “Earth 1" someone would have mentioned it...while on Supergirl...we’ve heard nothing about Arrow/Constantine/Flash/Atom/etc etc...but we sure do hear a LOT

is this thing supposed to be set in the 1980's, or did some hipster vomit and entire thrift store into the costume design?