
Pick any novel by Jonathan Lethem. they all define genre pigeon holing ...

the more I see the more I get the impression this is going to be ALL frosting, zero cake.

the only thing more unoriginal that blowing up the Enterprise to artificially

perhaps these are some sort of IRNV/HUD for night driving? or perhaps you drive by the light of ones head burning after it’s set ablaze by the aforementioned braking action?

can they do it? sure... how it would look...? given that so far we’ve only really been teased with Thanos and not been given his motivation as yet...

the “fat girl” character is eating a box of “bon bons” because of course she else would we know she is supposed to be fat?

holy shit... Marc Hempel’s “Breathtaker” thats a pretty obscure image...

when I was 16 , my first motor vehicle was a little shitty Yamaha QT-50 “moped”. the very first day I got my license, I skipped school to go ride around town, etc.

I messed with the Beta...and for everything good (destructible walls...etc) there was a lot of bad... I’ve never been a huge fan of the lethality of 1 and done shooters as is. But graphically, R6 Siege looks like a low rez Xbox 360...and movement feels sluggish as hell. Not in the sense that a guy carrying more gear

because as I had mentioned previously... the first 3 episodes, most dialogue that wasn’t little more than ham fisted exposition, was Kara and *insert ANY other character here* talking about Superman...sorry “my/your cousin”

the Fiat 500 “Lupin Edition” by “Black”

Lasers...8 O’Clock...Day ONE!

good, I wish it well. I really want it to succeed...but so far I can’t get past the bad bad writing.

SuperGirl is still on the air? I gave up on it after episode 3. is it finally “HER story” and “not HIS”? did they finally prove that by not bringing up Superman ever 2 seconds?

I’ve only had time to watch the first season through once...I have to say I LOVE this show. It has to be one of the first series to ever deal with rape and its effects head on, without EVER showing it. So many shows, even with good intentions of trying to spell out how horrific a crime rape is, usually fall into the

well...he’s a “former” super secret black ops/spec ops operator, which we get hints that things in that job got messy in his he’s probably got some PTSD from that...then the post Killgrave effect piled on. And of course in his mind his answer to Killgrave was to take kill him. calling in his spec ops

watching that right index finger kept twitching, desperately wanting to lob the thermal detonator over and end it.

which goes along way to explain why Turkey has been training/arming the 10,000 strong Turkmen forces fighting Assad/Russia/Daesh.

the first Dark Horse ALIENS series featured both Newt and Hicks, and it was pretty bad ass to be honest.

without going into detail...suffice it to say...Yohimbe works.