
I've been attending conventions of one type or another for over 30 years now (started when I was 10).Much has changed since then. Used to be that the "dealers room" at a con was the only place you could find much of the merchandise related to your specific genre of interest, assuming products even existed.

a tie between Calvin Ball and DragonPoker (Robert Aspirins "Little Myth Marker")

I grew up on Lake Champlain (Cumberland Head, about 50 yards from shore...nice view of Valcour Island).
First...the sightings go much farther back... both the Iroquois held its existence up via oral tradition, and even de le Champlain himself reporting seeing the creature.

the show is so...dumb.
Its chock full of forced wooden exposition, non-sensical statements etc.

All the added crap in the Hobbit films add nothing. Any battle sequence looks like it was designed for a video game... a REALLY bad video game. Replace the score with Yakety Sax at any point or the sound FX with audio from looney tunes or disney films...and it will actually work better.
Thank GOD they added fart

I thought this was going to be a review...instead its a shot for shot run down of the episode....was that needed?

the exchange between "Joe" (Jesse Martin) and "Barry" (Grant Gustin) at the end of the episode was brilliant...there was believable chemistry between the characters, and Barrys reaction to Joe stating he has always known about his love for Iris was great...not often you see TV actors ability to blanche with

so take my least favorite character, and arguably the worst actor on the series, and give her a larger role...great.

I gotta be honest though... I could give less than two shits about Laurel, her problems, or any of her B arc stories. she's a one note character...first it was pills...then post Tommy rage...then post Sarah rage....all played with the same watery eyes staring. DO NOT CARE. I have to just forward past it.

There was NO "Skull Cowboy" in the original 6 part comic or later collected trade paperback ...sorry "graphic novel".(yes 6... There was a short chapter originally published in Caliber Presents vol.1 issue 1) . There was a skeletal train conductor/porter who appears very briefly in one or two panels...but he has

I suppose doing a bit more research is out of the question?
Blackstar was a creation of Filmation that predates Masters of the Universe. If anything, MotU is a retread/rip off of blackstar.

you guys do know that Anime existed prior to the year 2000 right?