
yea and a pretty boring villain that then just gets replaced with an even more boring surprise embodiment of pure evil or some crap like that

*checks Netflix suggestions

Erasing history: A phrase used when someone would rather think about the mythological or whitewashed version of a person, event, etc. that favors their worldview rather than the actual truth regardless of one’s worldview (e.g., the Confederacy).

105F. That’s actually cool for an electronic device running at full tilt. This is a joke, but people are believing it’s real.

This. I’ve heard him called the George Lucas of video games. He created something huge then tries to guck it up by over thinking it at every turn. The difference is Swuare at the forethought to keep him in a leash unlike Lucas.

He had voiced out about this years ago and his answer was the same. It’s good to see he still retains that opinion.

Sadly though, Sakaguchi is a bit on the overrated side. I know I’ll catch some flak for this but it’s true. He barely touched any of the games he worked on, with several years worth of testimonials of

My personal favorite is FF4 (FF2 in USA) as it is very akin to a fairy tale, has very charismatic characters and on top of all it’s a story of redemption. I have a weak spot for those.

It remains the slowly-paced disaster it always was to this day. Any wonder it was the final game of the Gooch’s long career at Squaresoft.

“Erasing history” means “telling it truthfully, without catering to *MY SPECIFIC FAN-FIC VERSION!”

My raspberry pi has 4 USB ports...

But where else on earth can somebody purchase common funko pops!?

Well,thanks for Saiyuki Journey West.
I’m a big fan of FFT,so a Monkey King version suits me very fine.

I hope it has a demo version that can be used as a client for Pac Man VS.

This is the same company who decided to revive a long-lost cancelled sequel to one of their biggest SNES games 20 years later, but chose to release it on a non-digital platform that will be sold in limited quantities, hoarded by scalpers, and then discontinued after six months.

I must say that with the PS4's popularity, I am a little worried by the general quality of what’s available on the PS Store. There seems to be way very shoddy stuff making its way onto it, and it doesn’t look like Sony cares much.

No, see, it’s about ethics in historical journalism.

Seems like it’ll be a neat solution for collectors but I honestly just want these games on my Switch. SNES games are great on the 3ds. but they are a little hard to appreciate on the small screen. The Switch like the perfect device for SNES games - with the caveat that it still lacks a joypad. Hmm.

I have to say, trying to play the Grim Fandango remaster, I’m not entirely seeing what people fell in love with. The controls are abysmal, the puzzles are frequently frustratingly difficult, and at least for me personally the humor hadn’t hit too well up to the point at which I got stuck for around half an hour before

Those people haven’t played Grim Fandango since the 1990s.