
Totally with you. TFA was lazy at best. At least the prequels tried something new even if it was horrible. This new movie could be better but I see a lot of gimmicks too

Wait you haven’t finished vanilla Chrono Trigger??? Stop all of those other games and do that (then LTTP)

I’m about to rip into some Chrono Trigger hacks namely Prophets Guile and Crimson. They look awesome. I may also really dive into the original Dragon Age which i oddly have never played.

Make no mistake this is all for show. Facebook gives zero fucks for the same reason Yahoo won’t do anything about their toxic comment section and Twitter won’t do anything about their toic......well, everything: These rightwingers are what pay the bills. A large swath of Faceook’s userbase is made up of bored old baby

Ahh yes the :”but they did it too” defense. Let me ask you, and I’m being dedly serious hee: The whole argument against Democrats by the GOP was that they do stupid things yet when Republicans do stupid things it’s “but Dems did it too”. So do you simply not expect your guys to be better? Or do you only care hen Dems

This game was SOOOO good, it was liek a combination of Suikoden and a Tales game. I remember hoping it would get a western release and when it did I was blown away. Hell i was humming the town theme just two days ago (still one of the catchiest themes in gaming). This game really need to be ported to PS4 assuming Sony

May have to look for this. I have the translated beta and it’s good but definitely not complete.

The first two games have aged so remarkably well. I got the first Fallout the week it came out and my PC could barely run it (despite it only being 2d). I finally got it to work and it was oh so good. Still is

Mock him all you want but the man is a fucking genius, he really is. He knows his base, he knows full well all he has to do is tell them “oh there’s a wall you jsut can’t see it” and they’ll believe him. Sean Hannity will be on TC tomorrow saying “see libtards, your fake media said there’s no wall but Trump already

That’s a real shame. While I felt Dear Esther was grossly underwhelming and felt it could have stood for some serious fleshing-out, i appreciate the work this team did, i hope for all of their sakes that they can get back on their feet.

I still rmeember my first time palying Metroid. It was around the end of 1988, I was at my neighbor’s house. In those days each kid at a few nintendo cartridges and you knew each friend namely by their collection of games. These guys had Super C, Bad dudes, and a few others. One day my friends (they were twins) ran

I’m gonig to start up a game of Der Langrisser and do the Chaos path as I’ve never done it before.

I’m about to start a playthrough of Tales of Phantasia. I palyed it a bit back in the late 90s but the quickly snagged Tales of Destiny and forgot about it. Now I’m going to try to beat it finally.

You do reallize tat real tiem combat isn’t a western thing right? Ever heard of Zelda? The turn based model many people associate with Japanese games is in fact based directly off of Ultima and Wizardry, western games. So I highly doubt te combat had anything to do with it being “westernized” (whatever that even means)

That’s ok, this game and the original are great to slip in between bigger games

I love the first one but then again I also loved miner dig deep, the game SWD openly ripped off (the devs admitted this although I wish the MDD team had gotten some financial credit for it all).

Ease of use. Don’t laugh, hear me out. I wanted so bad to get into smart home stuff but the fragmentation made it daunting. Then I settled on Apple homeKit. Yes, the supply of gadgets is really limited, and not cheap, but what i have works great. Elgato stuff in particular is so good. I only wish we had options for

Makes me think back to these:

Makes me think back to these:

This is shaping up to be the greatest Marvel film. I normally feel meh abotu new films but this, this is epic. This whole trailer feels like an intro to Street Hawk and Tales of the Gold Monkey. I feel there is no greater compliment one can give to something trying to implement the 80s. Throw in some Silverhawks

This is perfect. On a side note I hope McGregor gets cast for the role, he’ll be middle aged by then. I know a lot of people trashed his portayal, and yes, Alec Guinness is one of if not THE greatest actor of all time so those were impossible-to-fill shoes, but McGregor mostly pulled it off i thought.