
Great. Now you reminded me that I still need to finish Chrono Trigger in addition to the massive backlog of games I have been needing to get into. Maybe after Dragon Age Inquisition, Doom, Divinity OS 2, ALTTP, Arkham Knight, Stadew Valley, Starcraft 2, and Witcher 3. RIP.

Dragon Age is pretty great. I’ve gotten about 30-40 hours in, twice. Somehow I always just seem to end up doing something else before I can finish. So maybe it sounds bad that I can’t finish it, but I’d say it’s actually good that it roped me in twice for that amount of time. Definitely check it out.

Man, I miss my Dragon Dice!!

Man, I miss my Dragon Dice!!

Makes me think back to these:

Makes me think back to these:

Oh you are absolutely right, I’m from the south as well. I’ll talk to people that don’t really know me and they just assume I’m “one of them”. It’s entertaining to see them change their perspective when they find out I’m married to a black woman, and you can almost hear the wheels in their head turning as they try

Apart from geeks, lots of people I know seem to have no clue which iPhone they have.

Model 80 here. Played thru most of the games you speak of. Damn if your comment wasn’t a blast to the past.

AMEN brother!

You my friend just wrote an irticle right there. Amen to all. I’m a 81 model to. Never gonna forget the first time I saw chrono Tigger the first time, final 6, stf 2, R tipe, démon crest. Wen I wet to highlight school I was lucky enough to have N64 and ps1. Now I’m a 36 year old dad who is lucky enough to play ps4

A few years ago I was at a classic car show, oggling a 1964 Ford Falcon. I struck up a conversatino with an odler guy there, and he said something that stuck with me. To paraphrase it went to the vein of “You can appreciate and lvoe these old crs, drive them, enjoy them, but if you didn’t grow up with them, if you

Surprising how far I had to scroll to find this opinion, which I agree with 100%. This remake reeks of a quick cash-grab that drains all the detail of the original art out of the game. Really wish SE would put some effort into it and try to more closely match the detail and style of the original art poster. Look at

Fuck yes. And until “conservatives” actively dump these assholes, they own them.

Awesome this is how you do it. Yes, these dicks will still claim Antifa are violent even if they aren’t, but at least the counter protestors aren’t falling into that trap. Stand the ground and be classy. These fucks will lie about it but that’s on them.

I was there. Being part of that ginormous crowd felt powerful. And the community organizers did a great job of encouraging protesters not to engage with the fascists, so as not to lend legitimacy to the noxious claims of “antifa violence”.

This was the largest crowd for an alt-right rally. PERIOD.

I am pretty much in love with this phrase now.

I heard Laura Silsby helped film the moon landing AND is a Nickleback fan.

Also too: This very day he met with Dana (other congressman put him on Putin’s payroll) Rohrabacher and Chuck C (floor shitter) Johnson so that he could get a direct line to the Putin Puppet In Chief.

I’m not sure about Westworld in a lot of ways, (however Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy are super endearing in interviews) but watching the movie after the first season made me like the William/Man in Black twist more. Am I the only one?