
Conversely they only sell what we’re buying.

To be fair, that’s the shit that sells. It’s the same reason they keep making shitty Transformers films. Don’t blame the devs blame the people who buy this crap.

I can only assume the lack of Switch support is due to them planning to eventually sell VC versions for insane prices down the line.

Really not impressed here. I already thought the first collection should have included all of these games, but this is pathetic. First, the SNES version of Rockman and forte (Megaman and Bass) is compeltely missing. That’s a huge omission. It was ported to GBA in the US so there is no excuse or it to be absent.

Ugggh that sucks. DQ 1 and 2 on IOS were also stretched already so I cringe at what they’ll look like on 3D. 3 was formatted right so maybe it won’t be so bad.

Ill go against the grain, as I personally find DQV to be one of the weaker titles in the series. I say start with 3, it’s probably the best but definitely NOT modern, but DQ3 just works so well. Then move on to 4, 6, 5, 7, 8 and onward.

The reason DQ is so consistent is that even when they update things for the modern era they never stray TOO far from the formula. Dragon Quest is the ACDC of games, it’s always basically the same thing but that’s ok because it’s awesome. I started with the series in the very beginning. When DQ2 came out I was SO

I have 102 on mine, about an even split from 360 and Xbox one titles.

Ugggh I hope so, the store is a damn mess. I’ve also noticed that lately I get lots of “this content isn’t available right now” windows especially on the home screen, like where the Deals with Gold stuff would usually appear. wish they’d have a set space in the main store page for sales actually. One week it’s in the

I’ve never bene the hugest Xbox fan. I’ve oned them all but enjoyed the Playstation side of things better each gen, but lately I’m really liking all the stuff MS is doing. Yeah Sony has sold more consoles (I own a PS4 also) but I spend 10x as much on my Xbox One lately buying content. I feel safer doing so with any

You shut your mouth right now, there is no such thing as “too much” Dragon Quest stuff. I bought the PS2 Slime controller (both colors) and will buy this one too. I’m also still frantically seeking out one of the Metal Babel PS4s. I don’t have a problem, it’s not a problem and anyone who says it’s a problem is wrong

Well off to Amazon i go.

Always baffled me that this game never got a proper sequel. Sure there have been some clones but nothing quite like the original. MM was from a era where you simply HAD to be good, i remember getting it for Christmas in about 1989 and being determined to beat it by the end of school break. I made it to the final level

Very cool. So glad to see all this Dragon quest stuff happening lately. Now if they’d just release DQ7 on IOS in NA as I can get my fix when I’m not at home (I don’t carry a 3DS anymore).

Ahem. Hi Kirk, I’ll just leave these here...

And don’t forget that shnazzy diorama display for them too!

How are the monster Hunter ones? I thought about collecting them while they’re cheap before they come out in the US and skyrocket.

amiibo hentai?

Wait whaaaaaaaa, is that a real amiibo? Why haven’t I seen that anywhere?

Even if you don’t care about the amiibo for use in the 3DS game, the new figures are freaking sweet, I pre ordered them and am not sure I’ll even get the game. Plus you know they’ll do something in Prime 4 :)