
Going to plug away at Lost Odyssey some more and do another run or two of The Cave to hunt achievements. I also feel a Soul Blazer run coming on, I do that every year or so. Finally I’m boing to finish setting up my RetroPie and want to start a run of Sega CD Popful Mail. Had anyone tried this game on RetroPie? Does

There was a pretty fun version on Xbox Live Arcade too, had good multiplayer as I recall.

My dad used to dip his finger in Peppermint Schopps and put it in my mouth as a baby to help em sleep.Thus began my long love of peppermint..........

Look, you’ve sacrificed far more for the kid. Nothing wrong with this.

Yeah but I’m more angling toward the BC side of things and making a point about Sony’s shitty stance on it

Don’t be so sure. Sony seems to have an attitude of “who cares” in terms of emulation. I wouldn’t be shocked if they aren’t st al working in any emilation. After that exec a month or so ago saying backward compatibility was a stupid waste of time, don’t get your hopes up. Shame this didn’t come out on the 360, if so

But is he really that far from other FF mains? I mean Tidus, Zidane, Squall and Noctis really are all basically the same character with slight background differences. Really Cloud probably fits that mold too. They’re angst-ridden would-be heroes who all fit the same archetype .Vaan is just another in a long line of

Same. I LOVED Ni No Kuni but the speed or lack thereof is a major flaw.

For those who don’t care about the extras, itunes had all six extended editions together for fifty bucks. I think the deal is still good. I can’t see it as I own them.

For those who don’t care about the extras, itunes had all six extended editions together for fifty bucks. I think

I’ll add one: Do plenty of grinding in the first open area. Early in the game you will get into an underground tunnel which is VERY long and there is no way out until you complete it. Make sure in the first are you hoard healing stuff and do a lot of grinding. You’ll be glad you did.

And the worst part is reallizing that luck plays so mcuh of a role that you’re basically playing slots even if you’re good, and the game basically boils down to about three deck builds that work at any given time.

It was sarcasm dude, chill. Or take a Valium.

It’ll be some VR bullshit with another idiotic skateboard peripheral, no doubt. Pass.

Today is 7/10. 10 - 7 is 3

Any new on if any of the Raspberry Pi 3 bundles will be on sale? I’m going to build a RetroPie and I’ve looked at some of the package deals (I mainly nead the system and a good case) can anyone point me to a good package? A lot of the ones on Amazon look a little suspect in terms of quality

Any new on if any of the Raspberry Pi 3 bundles will be on sale? I’m going to build a RetroPie and I’ve looked at

The short version is: for once, gamers actually are justified in their whining. I hope this won’t go to their heads (hint: it will)

I don’t think so. kotaku doesn’t have as many of those types as it once did. I’m sure some readers ae thinking that but I doubt they’ll vocalize it much.

My biggest gripe is it felt like just a pilot, which i suppose in one sense it is. It should be one long pilot film though as there is zero reason to break it up. I for one want a long second season as in at LEAST ten episodes. I get the short season thing is popular and I totally see benefits but this really needs

Awesome, I was just tihnking bout Boracay yestrday and how I want to go there next time I’m in PH. It has beaches that aren’t covered in rocks like Cebu.
