
As someone who is licensed to perform psychotherapy, I’d just like to say the Myers-Briggs is terrible. Few people use it once they leave grad school. At least few people that I know. And it’s not a “psychological” test it’s a personality test, but there are so many better and more usable ones than MBTI.

And to make this better, Shovel Knight is also coming as a character per GameExplain. He’ll have his signature pogo shovel move too.

Brace for the inevitable amiibos.

I read the title ad Meiji hotel. Fuck you Kotaku for getting my hopes up and squashing my dreams if a hotel room packed with Hello Panda and Strawberry Chocolate.

I promise you that is not the primary use for these. But you still make a valid point about the adapter as it is a good idea

My only wish ifor them to be MFU certified so I could use them on my Apple TV. Also is the fact they work in Switch due to Nintendo actively allowing it or an accidental oversight that they’ll patch out in six months?

Last week: Obama was a pussy thank god or President Trump who will kick these guys asses.

If those statues get torn down those records will still dxisy in books. There rent any statues of Himmler and other Nazi military personnel in Germany yet we still know they existed. A memorial is just that, a memorial. Go to the Lincoln memorial. What will you learn about Lincoln there? Absolutely nothing, at least

No they are not records they don’t document anything other than that these people existed. They are giant participation trophies for the losers of the war

A memorial is not a historical record it’s meant to makesq person into a hero. Removing a memorial is not erasing history. When isis blew up Palmyra it didn’t remove mention of the site from history books

Yeah a name in a building is not the same as historical documentation. When they start removing mention of the confederacy in history books then get back with me

There’s a lot of crossover between those two demographics though

The most hilarious part is all this stuff is junk, and most of it is outright fake. I see these ass clowns at gun shows and antique shows al the time peddling this garbage with dubious. Liam’s about how said items were involved in some major battle or other bullshit without a shred of evidence . Best case scenario is

This. I’ve heard him called the George Lucas of video games. He created something huge then tries to guck it up by over thinking it at every turn. The difference is Swuare at the forethought to keep him in a leash unlike Lucas.

I just.... don’t get it. I never have. IX is a great game don’t get me wrong but everything about it just felt half assed. The story is full and there just isn’t that much to do in terms of side quests and most of those that do exist are missable. The world felt so unbelievably small too. The characters are mostly

So are there any widespread reports of hardware issues due to heat? I’m getting a RRoD vibe from all of this

Not a country music fan but Hank really was an icon. People don’t appreciate the sheer volume of music he created in such a short time. And he is probably one of the hardest-living people in history. I imagine him and Bon Scott having a drink in heaven Please no. It ended and any attempt to dig it up would ruin it.

You scream at your tv, don’t you?