And therein lies the people. You can be at the mercy of an officer.
And therein lies the people. You can be at the mercy of an officer.
I know how much you like oddball stuff. Even seen one of these?
Bugatti guy tried to prove you wrong...
I wound suggest a hovercraft. It should be good for everything but the really rocky stuff.
I could argue that stuff like the MP-5 and original UZI are better called Personal Defense Weapons and are select fire, but I really totally agree with this point.
Hey, I agree with you, but the civilian AR-15 market and 5.56 AKs seem to always be lumped into the assault rifle category.
I don’t know Colorado law, but all I could find when looking it it was this:
That's correct. FYI, your assault knife need a pistol grip and fold I got stock (but must be American parts per 922r. Lol
Minnie needs old school Twin I-Beam suspension.
It’s the chamfering that makes them an assault rifle: A .223 or 7.62x39 bullet has enough charge to penetrate well beyond must handgun chamberings.
I would have sorta agreed until I started in on the’79 conversion van project...
I just did a clip of the van’s exhaust...
I think my uncle has most of a BAD 500 in his shed along with a Honda SL125 and240. I should see if he would be willing to sell.
The classic British 500cc thumper is long overdue for a comeback. My dad had a BSA thumper at one time... Probably would be worth something now (same with the 61 Thunderbird convertible he had).
Pretty sure the series is still smarting from the Roger Moore/AMC Bond car years.
So that why they are putting them on the bars below the winch now? Too bad the trucks are jacked so far up that the bar is right about at eye level.
To this day I own an N64 with Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye.
I’ve seen enough episodes of COPS to know that cars will still keep going after shredding a wheel... (Maybe not modern ones with all those airbags)
Agreed. I’m just glad I live away from the interstate... I have a few vehicles that aren’t happy with the 80mph limit. It would be a bit scary on a bike.
Strangely enough, that flange looks a lot like the exhaust on my old Honda Trail 110.