
The TopKick had an industrial 366 or 427 until 89 when it changed over to the 454 (presumably a TBI 454). The industrial motors have forged internals for strength and rowers derated for longevity.

The old TopKicks were pretty bad. The Vortex 8100/Alison combo was like driving a Chevy 3500 (same dash even). I think it’s part of I Haul’s line of training: make it familiar and comfortable, then scare people into extra insurance. (That said, I get the insurance because it makes the check out and check in less of a

We went fit materials almost everyone already has on hand

Exactly! I need to try out the TUx250 and SR400 to see how they fit, but most new stuff is pretty tiny (remember the Shadow 250s? They were one of the worst.

Great point. I think I probably look like a circus bear on my Honda Trail 110. At least I can slide back almost onto the cargo shelf for a little more leg room.

It was there in the early 2000s. Haven't been through Pullman in years thoug not that I'm down in southern Idaho. Very familiar with traveling throug Westland going to Spokane through eastern Oregon (still faster than driving up the spine of Idaho).

I have always wondered if your were a Coug based on some comments.... Class of 2003 myself.

I think at one time, people had a lot of trouble finding diesel AND they kept putting gas into the trucks out of habit. Heck, they plaster the trucks with height warnings and people regularly hit overhangs with them.

If you aren’t towing a car, that might work. It’s the max the class 4 can do. U-haul needs a class 6 for the 26’ box to make the 26,000 lb rating. Since GMC killed off the line, nobody has been too willing to fill that niche. The 2015 F-650 is a redesign and likely the soonest they could ge a gas powered class 6.

U haul doesn’t do diesel anymore. I think too many people didn’t realize they neede to put in diesel or something. Also, Uhaul builds their special “low floor” boxes that require a chassis that can accommodate the box.

Except the 26’ models it seems. Since GM scuttled the topcick line, there hasn’t really been a replacement chassis available. Consequently, the 26’ u haul I rented last year was a 2009 with something like 230k miles on it.

But how rare are Porsche tractors in the US? There is on across the street from my wife’s store’s I have seen a few so wondering if it is rare enough to get a closer look (not really in great shape).

More stuff on small displace,net bikes please? The manufacturers are starting to get it, but bike journalism seems fixated on the high end. Even a 600cc sport bike is too dang fast for me.

Good point. To bad you can’t do a cheater sprocket on the NM4.

Sorry !asarati, I always did the high roof large wheel to fend gap look a few years back (and I just copied it fro WRC)

Do you think a Mazda 13B TurboII motor would fit?

Pfft... Complaining about serviceability because it’s a rear engined car. Try a front-mid mounted engine location in a short hood van body configuration.

Not just drums, but “sporty” aluminum (aluminum colored at least) FINNED drums.

Correct. Hovere in a civil suit, “blame” can be assigned. Even an inexperienced driver going too fast means that the operators likely won’t be held liable for 100% of the damages (there is some room for argument that drivers would be inexperienced and that the operator didn’t do anything to slow them down or