
One of these is a lot worse than the others.

“The fact that he was a refugee makes me so fearful for all the refugees in the United States right now who are even now being slandered with him.”

Then don’t be so bitchy.

says who?

Modern day news is driven by comments sections and social media. It’s why the ‘media’ originally claimed that there was an active shooter.

“how she stepped off the curb that one time”

you can leave, i’m staying. Life is fucking fantastic.


i know! I took a native american studies course in college so I could be filled with guilt. I cut myself every morning over it.

so this is the equivalent of pouting, taking your ball, and going home

Not something that involves being a hypocrite.


to whom?

Yes, won’t someone care about the poor driver!

Remember when deniers get made fun of for pointing out that Global Warming isn’t real because there’s snow in April? You’re doing the same fucking thing. Stop it.

Why? The threat of anything nuclear happening is substantially less than if Hillary had been elected.

Nothing will happen. You will live out your boring, uneventful life, don’t worry.

Yea, I’m pretty sure I’d rather see Trump elected over dying and not seeing my grand kids grow. Your father missed out.

of what?

Only through