
That suicide forest video was the first time I had ever heard of him and now I’m forced to have knowledge of this blight forever.

I’m a strong believer of separating art from artists, but when possible buying things in ways that don’t give shitty people money.    Buy Detroit: Become Human used at a GameStop so that it doesn’t filter money to David Cage.    It’s a genuinely good game.

“When should we see returns?”
“Oh, in about 6 months in the form of a corporate hack and or terrorist event.”

The fact that people were making this whole thing as some kind of “innovative” and “door opening” phenom, even though it was literally just buying art with extra steps, was all the red flag I needed to see.

Especially as freelance artist, it’s weird how many people were like “this is going to be a big win for the art

Some money got laundered.  

A lot of the Citadel is like going to the UN and every random person wants to tell you the history of their country.

You can tell in games like Mass Effect that the developer intends for you to choose the “nice” options because the alternative is usually an option that lacks fully developed content. Like if you choose to be mean to someone it’s usually the case that you just refuse to help them and then that questline ends there.

That’s what people said before Guardians of the Galaxy.

That is a really encouraging fact. He has enough anticipation built up to simply not care about this stuff, and yet he’s allocating resources and getting the outsider perspectives needed to undo decades old fantasy tropes. That is how you move towards change

They’re not challenging whether she’s qualified as an expert—if she’s giving testimony about various financial aspects of the Xbox ecosystem, she’s required to turn over the documents she’s basing that testimony on.

“I think the overwhelming problem with crunch in the games industry stems from personalities like this rising to the top, then expecting everyone below them to work relentlessly to keep up.”

Blizzard owns the brand name for Diablo in the same way Apple owns the brand name for Apple — only for that specific use case. This use of Diablo is for a character name in a completely unrelated medium and genre, not the cartoon’s brand name, which is Housebroken, and that makes Blizzard’s ownership of Diablo

Said it before, and I’ll say it again; if you’re going to make a fan game, do it anonymously, dump it out when it’s done, and don’t. Tell. Anybody.

I imagine a lot of that trading in probably coincided with Blockbuster no longer having kiosks to print out your photos.

Pokémon Snap:

The sliders were also useful for spite purchases - buying a game from a particularly offensive developer but sliding alllllll the profit to charity.  I’m going to miss that.

Lived long enough to become the villain, I see