I don’t even know what to say. I’m angry and sad and I don’t even know. Berserk has been in my life since I was a teenager. This guy has affected me since I was a child and now I’m in my 30s.
I don’t even know what to say. I’m angry and sad and I don’t even know. Berserk has been in my life since I was a teenager. This guy has affected me since I was a child and now I’m in my 30s.
There are several “very good” Warhammer games and a few “good” ones and the rest are crap and mobile crap.
They are terrible and I love them.
Speed Racer continues to be one of my favorite movies of all time.
Am I the only person here who thought Speed Racer was amazing?
I can’t give you enough stars. I keep clicking the button but it doesn’t work!
Means the player has reached level 10 with the character. He could own the master skin now if he payed up the gold for it.
The nerf wasn’t really a big deal. It just takes a little longer for him to respawn is all. None of his stuff got changed while he’s alive (except for a debuff to building damage with his swing).
Oh thank god I’m not the only one.
Fair play. I see the merits in your argument and agree.
The only time he ever goes on the offensive is when he’s fighting a woman.
Because you’re allowed to pick and choose which ones you want to watch. Choice is a wonderful thing. For instance, I’ve chosen to stop watching X-Men and Spiderman movies. Not because they’re good or bad movies but because (as you have alluded to) I’m tired of them. I’ve chosen to give Batman vs Superman a chance. I’m…
This girl has the greatest backup dancer ever. Of all time.
Is it bad that i sang that last line to the tune of the Lego Movie?
Wait, can we get the upgrade on PC?
I finished Shadow of Mordor (finally) so now I'm deep into the vacuum of a social life that is Dragon Age Inquisition.
Neither can I and it worked earlier today for me when I was checking out. I decided to wait until after work to pull the trigger. Shows me for trying to curb impulse buys.