Dān Jurzōn

Even Flowing white beard.

I wouldn't give Letterman's troubles to a monkey on a rock!… Eh, maybe I would. Ya know what, I think I would give Letterman's troubles to a monkey on a rock. I fucking would! Fuck yeah!!

From the many accounts I've read, seen and heard, it's no secret that Lorne's preferred modus operandi is to passive aggressively pit cast members against one another either individually or as writing teams, presumably to inspire increased creativity and ultimately superior comedy, but also to insulate himself from

That's something you need to discuss with your Social Booking Agent.

That was Alec's cover story, to save face over losing a role—and a franchise!—to Harrison.

Right, American Graffiti.

Rather than choosing a winner or loser, can't we just enjoy this moment for the rich melodramatic Hollywood bitchslap it is?! It's a wonderful, if trivial spectacle, I say.

Just now! You read it here first! Tell all your friends!

Jack Daniels, like the rest of us.

At 27 he looked 57. Acting!

There, you fixed it for you.

Harrison should fly over Alec's house in his adorable little biplane and drop little flaming lunch bags full of poo on the pool deck, fer shits & giggles.

It's a trap! No, it's a Vorstein.

His passing has left a hockey puck size hole in my heart…

Stop draggin' my pun around…

You break my heart.

And I thought Joan & Betty were bitches!

These newer ones are almost entirely intended for the International Market, where the more grandly absurd they are the better they play in foreign languages. Kinda like opera, or the Drunk and Stoned Hysterical Housewives of Such and Such Shithole…

But I stirred it weeth mai deeeek!

…confused the shit out of Shia Labueaf(?) a little teeny tiny bit more than he already was. fify