Dān Jurzōn

Downvoted for Trump. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down.

I wasn't inundated in Transformer media and toys when I was a youngster so I don't have any nostalgic attachments to those original designs, which explains why I like the Machines from the movies. I actually even like the movies, as horrific as that might be to hear. The sensory overload coupled with the absolute

There is a certain natural justice to that scenario, those self satisfied Masters of the Universe being devoured by such genuinely exquisite creatures. The wondrous cycle of life…

No, he can't be judged by the same standards as an otherwise healthy, rational person—if he can be judged at all—but there's still an awareness that by committing his suicide so publicly, on live TV!, he was intentionally inflicting the horror upon others. He had come to the decision to perform his spastic, terrible

But who would it NOT effect?! I appreciate his warning as a gesture towards decency, but c'mon, what other reason could he have for committing suicide so publicly—and so dramatically and gruesomely—but to offend, shock, and deeply disturb everyone? As limited and self contained as it was, his was an antisocial and

Spicer doesn't actually decide anything, he's just the trained monkey that likes to fling his shit through his cage bars at the gawking onlookers. His punishment is having to be Sean Spicer, forever.

The Trump Lumps—Donnie Junior and Evil Eric—deserve copious suffering if for no other reason than their depraved, demented hunting parties. Anyone who takes any pleasure in shooting such glorious creatures as a leopard or lion or, well, anything is fucking worthless genetic waste material. Fuck them to Hell!!

I think Banon is one of those rare special beings whose organs have actually been preserved and even invigorated by the copious, normally lethal alcohol baths to which he incessantly subjects them.


Oh. I guessed… Frank Stallone.

In protest of the nightmare reality of Trump I'm gonna throw all 128k, floppy card driven, benignly beige beauty of my 1984 Macintosh off the roof of a downtown highrise, and if it should happen to land on the roof or hood of an executive stretch limo, or smash through the glass engine cowling of an ultra exotic

When Rick & Morty's creators, Justin Roiland & Dan Harmon, announced last year that for the upcoming 3rd season they were hiring female writers to their all male writing staff there was something of a hostile backlash in the form of angry, indignant comments on the various associated chat boards and social media. On

But will Tyra continue to insist that the other judges as well as all the absurdly eager, desperately sycophantic contestants follow her imperious lead to always be sure to keep the focus upon herself, irregardless of how insufferably trite and vacuous she insists on being? The world banks on it.

Oh yes, of course, my throat muscle.

Louis Anderson owns that crown, bitches!

I should try out. I'm told quite often by people in the industry that I'm a model asshole; a Top Model asshole.

Mickey D's is guaranteed runs. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

I cum for the Veronica Mars, but I stay way too long for the Babylon 5.

All hail the mighty glomerates!

Fight the Power!! With the new and improved Subversive Comedy Ray Gun, now with extra strength power fighting neutrinos. Blast Yer Way to Justice with the hilariously devastating effects of the Subversive Comedy Ray Gun. It'll slay 'em, dead!!